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module "QtQuick" plugin "qtquick2plugin" not found in static linked application

I builded static version of the Qt libraries and compile the test application based on QtQuick2ApplicationViewer. When starting it produces an error:

file:///F:/qt_projects/untitled9-build-5_0_0_static-__________________________/qml/untitled9/main.qml:1:1: module "QtQuick" plugin "qtquick2plugin" not found 
     import QtQuick 2.0 
Remove me: fixing toplevel window flags
Unable to find a renderable master window QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(0x28fe38) when trying to render QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(0x28fe38)  ( QRect(8,30 116x0) ). 

how i can add plugin "qtquick2plugin" to my aplication?

like image 564
ctinka Avatar asked Nov 27 '12 19:11


1 Answers

I have the same problem. I've sent bugreport to Qt-community:


This link contains description and my solution of your problem. Unfortunately it doesn't help me, but really may help in your case or just clear the situation.

like image 143
Avassen Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10
