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Module "django.core.context_processors" does not define a "auth" callable request processor



I have a Django live website , i want to do some kind of maintenance on it but when I downloaded it and tried to open it from my local machine and my debug mode is true I faced this error:

ImproperlyConfigured at /  Module "django.core.context_processors" does not define a "auth" callable request processor 

I'm using Python 2.5

I would be grateful for any help.

like image 900
mena samy Avatar asked Sep 19 '11 11:09

mena samy

1 Answers

It looks like you have upgraded to Django 1.4 or later.

The auth context processor has been moved from django.core.context_processors.auth to django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth. The move started in Django 1.2, and django.core.context_processors.auth was completely removed in Django 1.4.

I recommend you run the same version of Django on your dev and production environments to prevent errors like this.

When you upgrade to Django 1.4, you need to make the following change to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in your settings file:

# old TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ("django.core.context_processors.auth",                                ... ) # new TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ("django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth",                                ... ) 

When migrating, the release notes (1.2, 1.3, 1.4) are useful for catching changes like this.

like image 111
Alasdair Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
