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Module 'apple_sign_in' not found

I am using flutter with https://pub.dev/packages/apple_sign_in package for logging in with apple.

I was able to publish the earlier version of app with apple_sign_in but now I am not being able to archive the Xcode Project for publishing.

Note: I can still build the app and app runs but It does build when archiving.and throws the error saying

Module 'apple_sign_in' not found enter image description here

like image 634
erluxman Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 14:12


1 Answers

Make sure you're opening xcode from the Runner.xcworkspace and not the Runner.xcodeproj. cocoapods requires you to archive/build from this entry point. In the flutter docs they mention this but its easy to forget/overlook as the files are so similarly named and used.

like image 133
Ned Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 09:12
