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Modifying auto complete feature in Sublime text 2

I write a lot of prose and also transcribe interviews. I have come across the auto complete feature in sublime text 2 and its awesomely fast but the word suggestions are based on the current file.

All I want is to write/use a plugin so that the entire English dictionary can be used while I am typing and not just the current file. The documentation has the priorities as

  1. Snippets
  2. API-injected completions
  3. .sublime-completions files
  4. Words in buffer

So can I modify the .sublime-completions files to achieve this. Will there be a lot of delay because of the large number of words? or will the text editor bog down my system performance ?

like image 368
Anunay Inuganti Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 18:10

Anunay Inuganti

1 Answers

You can try this plugin:


It uses the internal English dictionary of ST2 which is located under "/Data/Packages/Language - English/". So you don't have to find a custom dictionary.

like image 108
maliayas Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
