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Modify cmd.exe properties using the command prompt


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How do I access properties in Command Prompt?

To open the command shell Properties from within Windows, right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and select Properties from the context menu as discussed previously. To open the Properties window from within the shell window, right-click anywhere on the title bar and select Properties from the context menu.

How do I raise my rights in cmd?

In the search box, type cmd and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter . If done correctly, the User Account Control window below opens. Click Yes to run the Windows Command Prompt as Administrator.

Isn't that nicely recursive?

I've got a portable command prompt on my external drive, and it has a nice .bat file to configure some initial settings, but I'd like more!

Here's what I know how to set from .bat:

  • Colors = (color XY) where x and y are hex digits for the predefined colors
  • Prompt = (prompt $p$g) sets the prompt to "C:\etc\etc >" the default prompt
  • Title = (title "text") sets the window title to "text"
  • Screen Size = (mode con: cols=XX lines=YY) sets the columns and lines size of the window
  • Path = (SET PATH=%~d0\bin;%PATH%) sets up local path to my tools and appends the computer's path

So that's all great. But there are a few settings I can't seem to set from the bat. Like, how would I set these up wihtout using the Properties dialogue:

  • Buffer = not screen size, but the buffer
  • Options like quick edit mode and autocomplete
  • Popup colors
  • Font. And can you use a font on the portable drive, or must it be installed to work?
  • Command history options