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ModelMapper, mapping list of Entites to List of DTO objects


I am writing simple blog web application using Spring MVC framework. I am willing to add DTO layer to my app.

I decided to use ModelMapper framework for conversion from Entity objects to DTO objects used in my views.

I have just one problem. On my main page, I am showing a list of posts on my blog. In my view, it's just list of Post (Entity) objects. I want to change it to pass a list of PostDTO objects to my view. Is there any way to map List of Post objects to List of PostDTO object with single method call? I was thinking about writing converter that will convert this but I am not sure it's a good way to do it.

Also, I am using Lists of Entities in few more places like administrative panel or comment below every Post on my page.

Link to code of my app on GitHub repository: repository

like image 731
Gromo Avatar asked Dec 21 '17 17:12


People also ask

How do you map entity to DTO?

Thus, we can use model mapper to convert entity to dto or dto to entities. First, we need to add model mapper dependency. Next, we can create a @Bean factory method to create ModelMapper instance. This way, the model mapper instance will be available for injection on the application level.

What is the use of ModelMapper in spring boot?

The main role of ModelMapper is to map objects by determining how one object model is mapped to another called a Data Transformation Object (DTO).

How do you use a model mapper converter?

The first is by adding the converter to a ModelMapper: modelMapper. addConverter(personConverter); This, in turn, sets the converter against the TypeMap corresponding to the source and destination types Person and PersonDTO .

2 Answers

You can create util class:

public class ObjectMapperUtils {      private static final ModelMapper modelMapper;      /**      * Model mapper property setting are specified in the following block.      * Default property matching strategy is set to Strict see {@link MatchingStrategies}      * Custom mappings are added using {@link ModelMapper#addMappings(PropertyMap)}      */     static {         modelMapper = new ModelMapper();         modelMapper.getConfiguration().setMatchingStrategy(MatchingStrategies.STRICT);     }      /**      * Hide from public usage.      */     private ObjectMapperUtils() {     }      /**      * <p>Note: outClass object must have default constructor with no arguments</p>      *      * @param <D>      type of result object.      * @param <T>      type of source object to map from.      * @param entity   entity that needs to be mapped.      * @param outClass class of result object.      * @return new object of <code>outClass</code> type.      */     public static <D, T> D map(final T entity, Class<D> outClass) {         return modelMapper.map(entity, outClass);     }      /**      * <p>Note: outClass object must have default constructor with no arguments</p>      *      * @param entityList list of entities that needs to be mapped      * @param outCLass   class of result list element      * @param <D>        type of objects in result list      * @param <T>        type of entity in <code>entityList</code>      * @return list of mapped object with <code><D></code> type.      */     public static <D, T> List<D> mapAll(final Collection<T> entityList, Class<D> outCLass) {         return entityList.stream()                 .map(entity -> map(entity, outCLass))                 .collect(Collectors.toList());     }      /**      * Maps {@code source} to {@code destination}.      *      * @param source      object to map from      * @param destination object to map to      */     public static <S, D> D map(final S source, D destination) {         modelMapper.map(source, destination);         return destination;     } } 

And use it for your needs:

List<PostDTO> listOfPostDTO = ObjectMapperUtils.mapAll(listOfPosts, PostDTO.class); 
like image 155
Andrew Nepogoda Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09

Andrew Nepogoda

considering you have a list of Post Entity (postEntityList) and a PostDTO class, you can try following:

use the following imports to get the desired results

import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper; import org.modelmapper.TypeToken; import java.lang.reflect.Type; 

use the below code

Type listType = new TypeToken<List<PostDTO>>(){}.getType(); List<PostDTO> postDtoList = modelmapper.map(postEntityList,listType); 
like image 36
André Carvalho Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09

André Carvalho