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Modeling network as directed graph

I have a network that could look like this:
Basically, I want to know the minimum number of green circles that can disconnect the source and drain if removed/disabled. (in this case 1)
I have already succesfully implemented the Edmonds-Karp algrorithm, but I don't know how to model the network with directed edges, so I get the desired result.
If I just replace each connection between the nodes with two opposite directed edges with capacity 1, I get a max flow of 2 with EdmondsKarp, but I only need to remove 1 green circle to break the network.
How do I model my network as nodes and directed edged?

like image 973
Svante Avatar asked Oct 13 '22 21:10


1 Answers

You can reduce this problem to the standard s–t cut problem in directed graphs, which can then solved e.g. by the Edmonds–Karp algorithm. For each vertex v, create two vertices v_in and v_out and a directed edge (v_in, v_out), and for each edge {v,w}, add two directed edges (v_out ,w_in) and (w_out , v_in). It is then not hard to see that a maximum flow from s_in to t_out corresponds to a minimum vertex cut between s and t.

like image 87
Falk Hüffner Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 00:10

Falk Hüffner