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Modeling multiple levels of inheritance using discriminated unions



Is there a recommended way to model multiple levels of inheritance in F#, presumably using a discriminated union?

Taking something like the following in C#:

class Expr { }
class SourceExpr : Expr { }
class JoinExpr : SourceExpr { }
class TableExpr : SourceExpr { }

I've done this in F#:

type SourceExpr =
    | Join of JoinExpr
    | Table of TableExpr

type Expr = 
    | Source of SourceExpr
    | ...

Is there a better way? Does this provide the same polymorphic behavior as inheritance?

like image 502
Daniel Avatar asked Dec 09 '09 01:12


1 Answers

It's hard to be too prescriptive here without more information. Depending on what you are trying to do, it may make more sense to use a class hierarchy or a discriminated union (DU). The most common/obvous trade-offs are that class hierarchies are 'open' whereas DUs are 'closed'. That is, you can easily add new types to a class hierarchy, but adding a new operation (abstract method on base class) requires changing all existing classes. In contrast, with DUs you can easily add a new operation (function that pattern matches over the data type), but to add a new case (subclass) you have to redefine the type and update all the existing operations to deal with the new case. (This is sometimes called "the expression problem".)

A typical example that's good for DUs is a compiler; you have a language abstract syntax tree where the language and tree structure are fixed, but you may author many different tree transform operations inside the compiler. A typical example that's good for class hierarchies is UI frameworks; you have some base class(es) that defines all the operations that widgets must supply (Draw, Resize, ...) but then users will add their own custom subtypes with extra capabilities.

like image 88
Brian Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10
