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Model-View-ViewModel pattern violation of DRY?

I read this article today http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/silverlight/Silverlight-3-and-the-Data-Form-Control-part-I.aspx about the use of the MVVM pattern within a silverlight app where you have your domain entities and view spesific entities which basically is a subset of the real entity objects. Isn't this a clear violation of the DRY principle? and if so how can you deal with it in a nice way?

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terjetyl Avatar asked Jul 27 '09 19:07


People also ask

Why do we need model view ViewModel pattern MVVM pattern?

It helps to improve the separation of the business and presentation layers without any direct communication between each other. The designer and developer can work together without interrupting each other. Easy testability and maintainability is also popular in MVVM Design Pattern.

Can we pass view to ViewModel?

ViewModel as the bridge between the View and the Model. TL;DR: We can pass parameters to our ViewModel, use it as a data holder, also to share data between Fragments, and to persist its state across process recreation. This is part of a multi-part series regarding Advanced ViewModels on Android.

What is the ViewModel responsible for?

ViewModel's only responsibility is to manage the data for the UI. It should never access your view hierarchy or hold a reference back to the Activity or the Fragment.

1 Answers

Personally, I don't like what Dino's doing there and I wouldn't approach the problem the same way. I usually think of a VM as a filtered, grouped and sorted collections of Model classes. A VM to me is a direct mapping to the View, so I might create a NewOrderViewModel class that has multiple CollectionViews used by the View (maybe one CV for Customers and another CV for Products, probably both filtered). Creating an entirely new VM class for every class in the Model does violate DRY in my opinion. I would rather use derivation or partial classes to augment the Model where necessary, adding in View specific (often calculated) properties. IMO .NET RIA Services is an excellent implementation of combining M and VM data with the added bonus that it's usable in on both the client and the server. Dino's a brilliant guy, but way to call him out on this one.

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James Cadd Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

James Cadd