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mod_wsgi: Reload Code via Inotify - not every N seconds

Up to now I followed this advice to reload the code:


This has the drawback, that the code changes get detected only every N second. I could use N=0.1, but this results in useless disk IO.

AFAIK the inotify callback of the linux kernel is available via python.

Is there a faster way to detect code changes and restart the wsgi handler?

We use daemon mode on linux.

Why code reload for mod_wsgi at all

There is interest in why I want this at all. Here is my setup:

Most people use "manage.py runserver" for development and some other wsgi deployment for for production.

In my context we have automated the creation of new systems and prod and development systems are mostly identical.

One operating system (linux) can host N systems (virtual environments).

Developers can use runserver or mod_wsgi. Using runserver has the benefit that it's easy for debugging, mod_wsgi has the benefit that you don't need to start the server first.

mod_wsgi has the benefit, that you know the URL: https://dev-server/system-name/myurl/

With runserver you don't know the port. Use case: You want to link from an internal wiki to a dev-system ....

A dirty hack to get code reload for mod_wsgi, which we used in the past: maximum-requests=1 but this is slow.

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guettli Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 13:06


1 Answers


Developers can use runserver or mod_wsgi. Using runserver has the benefit that you it easy for debugging, mod_wsgi has the benefit that you don't need to start the server first.

But you do, the server needs to be setup first and that takes a lot of effort. And the server needs to be started here as well though you can configure it to start automatically at boot.

If you are running on port 80 or 443 which is usually the case, the server can be started only by the root. If it needs to be restarted you will have to ask the super user's help again. So ./manage.py runserver scores heavily here.

mod_wsgi has the benefit, that you know the URL: https://dev-server/system-name/myurl/

Which is no different from the dev server. By default it starts on port 8000 so you can access it as http://dev-server:8000/system-name/myurl/. If you wanted to use SSL with the development server you can use a package such as django-sslserver or you can put nginx in front of django development server.

With runserver you don't know the port. Use case: You want to link from >an internal wiki to a dev-system ....

With runserver, the port is well defined as mentioned above. And you can make it listen on a different port for exapmle with:

 ./manage.py runserver

Note that if you put development server behind apache (as a reverse proxy) or NGINX, restarting problems etc that I have mentioned above do not apply here.

So in short, for development work, what ever you do with mod_wsgi can be done with the django development server (aka ./manage.py runserver).


Here we are getting to the main topic at last. Assuming you have installed inotify-tools you could type this into your shell. You don't need to write a script.

  while inotifywait -r -e modify .; do sudo kill -2 yourpid ; done

This will result in the code being reloaded when ...

... using daemon mode with a single process you can send a SIGINT signal to the daemon process using the ‘kill’ command, or have the application send the signal to itself when a specific URL is triggered. ref: http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/user-guides/frequently-asked-questions.html#application-reloading


while inotifywait -r -e modify .; do touch wsgi.py ; done


... using daemon mode, with any number of processes, and the process reload mechanism of mod_wsgi 2.0 has been enabled, then all you need to do is touch the WSGI script file, thereby updating its modification time, and the daemon processes will automatically shutdown and restart the next time they receive a request.

In both situations we are using the -r flag to tell inotify to monitor subdirectories. That means each time you save a .css or .js file apache will reload. But without the -r flag changes to python code in subfolders will be undetected. To have the best of both worls, remove css, js, images etc with the --exclude directive.

What about when your IDE saves an auto backup file? or vim saves the .swp file? That too will cause a code reload. So you would have to exclude those file types too.

So in short, it's a lot of hard work to reproduce what the django development server does free of charge.

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e4c5 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
