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Mod_Rewrite unexpected behavior L flag

my web application structure is:

    - www/
        - index.php
        - css.php
        - .htaccess

the virtual host is configured as:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName www.example.org
        DocumentRoot /var/www/myapp/www
        DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
        <Directory /var/www/myapp/www>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

In /var/www/myapp/www/.htaccess there is:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule css css.php [L,NC]
    RewriteRule .* index.php

Now, if I call www.example.org I'm correctly redirected to index.php, but if I call www.example.org/css I'm still redirected always to index.php.

If I drop the line "RewriteRule .* index.php" and then call www.example.org/css, I'm correctly redirected to css.php.

What's wrong? Thanks all very much

======== EDIT ========= - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] add path info postfix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/DEV_2 -> /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/DEV_2/css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] strip per-dir prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/DEV_2/css/example1/test.css -> DEV_2/css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] applying pattern '^(DEV|TEST|PROD)\_[0-9]+\/(css|js|image|static)\/(.+)$' to uri 'DEV_2/css/example1/test.css' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (2) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] rewrite 'DEV_2/css/example1/test.css' -> 'css/example1/test.css' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] add per-dir prefix: css/example1/test.css -> /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (2) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] trying to replace prefix /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/ with / - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (5) strip matching prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/css/example1/test.css -> css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (4) add subst prefix: css/example1/test.css -> /css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b7080058/initial] (1) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] internal redirect with /css/example1/test.css [INTERNAL REDIRECT] - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] strip per-dir prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/css/example1/test.css -> css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] applying pattern '^(DEV|TEST|PROD)\_[0-9]+\/(css|js|image|static)\/(.+)$' to uri 'css/example1/test.css' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] strip per-dir prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/css/example1/test.css -> css/example1/test.css - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] applying pattern '.*' to uri 'css/example1/test.css' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (2) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] rewrite 'css/example1/test.css' -> 'index.php' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] add per-dir prefix: index.php -> /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/index.php - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (2) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] trying to replace prefix /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/ with / - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (5) strip matching prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/index.php -> index.php - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (4) add subst prefix: index.php -> /index.php - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b63188e8/initial/redir#1] (1) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] internal redirect with /index.php [INTERNAL REDIRECT] - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] strip per-dir prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/index.php -> index.php - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] applying pattern '^(DEV|TEST|PROD)\_[0-9]+\/(css|js|image|static)\/(.+)$' to uri 'index.php' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] strip per-dir prefix: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/index.php -> index.php - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] applying pattern '.*' to uri 'index.php' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (2) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] rewrite 'index.php' -> 'index.php' - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (3) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] add per-dir prefix: index.php -> /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/index.php - - [14/Jul/2012:19:07:21 +0200] [www.example.org/sid#b747b6c0][rid#b6310db8/initial/redir#2] (1) [perdir /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/] initial URL equal rewritten URL: /var/www/sviluppo/mattia_dev/example/www/index.php [IGNORING REWRITE]

Seems that a first redirect occurs but the mod_rewrite doesn't stop causing an internal redirect. Then, the changed url, is passed to mod_rewrite another time and a second redirect occured but now matching the second rule.

I can't understand it because I've placed the [L] flag just to ensure that the mod_rewrite stops.

Thanks another time

like image 480
MaCi Avatar asked Jul 14 '12 14:07


People also ask

What is L rewrite rule?

L (last - stop processing rules) Flags are added to the end of a rewrite rule to tell Apache how to interpret and handle the rule. They can be used to tell apache to treat the rule as case-insensitive, to stop processing rules if the current one matches, or a variety of other options.

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The <IfModule mod_rewrite. c>... </IfModule> block ensures that everything contained within that block is taken only into account if the mod_rewrite module is loaded. Otherwise you will either face a server error or all requests for URL rewriting will be ignored.

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Yes, RewriteEngine and RewriteBase have to be specified only once. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Without a RewriteBase / apache will probably guess incorrectly whether dir2/$1 is a file or URI path and redirect you to the wrong place.

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Step 1 — Enabling mod_rewrite In order for Apache to understand rewrite rules, we first need to activate mod_rewrite . It's already installed, but it's disabled on a default Apache installation. Use the a2enmod command to enable the module: sudo a2enmod rewrite.

1 Answers

You are missing an important fact about the L flag:

It is therefore important, if you are using RewriteRule directives in one of these [.htaccess, <Directory>] contexts, that you take explicit steps to avoid rules looping, and not count solely on the [L] flag to terminate execution of a series of rules

From: L|last (Flag); bold by me

That means, only by using the L does not have your desired effect to prevent the interal redirect. The INTERNAL REDIRECT happens here because it must happen, you have specified it with your .htaccess configuration. The L flag is not the right flag to prevent the INTERNAL REDIRECT.

Let's look closer at your question and what actually happens:

I can't understand it because I've placed the [L] flag just to ensure that the mod_rewrite stops.

Is just that you have the wrong undestanding of the L flag. It will only stop for the current rewriting, meaning, the RewriteRule directives beneath it are not going to be processed in the current round (the inner loop).

If the URI changed L will re-inject into the the next round (the outer loop) as the following technical details flowchart shows:


To highlight where the L flag kicks in and where the INTERNAL REDIRECT happens, this is the same graphic with some annotations for your specfic (first) URI rewrite:

enter image description here

It shows that the L flag only exits the inner loop but if the URI has been rewritten (changed) - as in your case - the outer loop takes care that the changed URI will be passed again to all your rewrite rules.

Instead you might want to formulate a condition as the following example from that part of the manual shows:

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/index.php
RewriteRule ^(.*) /index.php?req=$1 [L,PT]

(PT has it's own manual entry, is is more or less not part of the solution, just noting because I quoted the example as-is)

What you actually want to use is the END flag:

RewriteRule css css.php [END,NC]

However contact your system administrator if you have the needed apache version for it (Available in 2.3.9 and later). If not, you need to operate with RewriteCond.

like image 92
hakre Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
