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mockito return value based on property of a parameter




Normally when using Mockito I will do something like:


Is it possible to do something along the lines of



So rather than when just using the parameter to determine the result. It is using a value of a property inside the parameter to determine the result.

So when the code is executed it behaves like so:

public void myTestMethod(MyParameter myParameter,MyObject myObject){
    System.out.println(myObject.myFunction(myParameter));// outputs myResult

    System.out.println(myObject.myFunction(myParameter));// outputs otherResult

Here is the current solution, hopefully something better can be suggested.

private class MyObjectMatcher extends ArgumentMatcher<MyObject> {

    private final String compareValue;

    public ApplicationContextMatcher(String compareValue) {
        this.compareValue= compareValue;

    public boolean matches(Object argument) {
        MyObject item= (MyObject) argument;
        if(compareValue!= null){
            if (item != null) {
                return compareValue.equals(item.getMyParameter());
        }else {
            return item == null || item.getMyParameter() == null;
        return false;

public void initMock(MyObject myObject){
    MyObjectMatcher valueMatcher = new MyObjectMatcher("value");
    MyObjectMatcher otherValueMatcher = new MyObjectMatcher("otherValue");
like image 577
BevynQ Avatar asked Mar 11 '14 23:03


5 Answers

In Java 8 it is even simpler than all of the above:

    .thenAnswer(invocation -> 
        invocation.getArgumentAt(0, String.class));
like image 138
Sven Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11


Here's one way of doing it. This uses an Answer object to check the value of the property.

public class MyTestClass {
    private String theProperty;
    @Mock private MyClass mockObject;

    public void setUp() {
            new Answer<String>(){
            public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation){
                if ("value".equals(theProperty)){
                    return "result";
                else if("otherValue".equals(theProperty)) {
                    return "otherResult";
                return theProperty;

There's an alternative syntax, which I actually prefer, which will achieve exactly the same thing. Over to you which one of these you choose. This is just the setUp method - the rest of the test class should be the same as above.

public void setUp() {
    doAnswer(new Answer<String>(){
        public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation){
            if ("value".equals(theProperty)){
                return "result";
            else if("otherValue".equals(theProperty)) {
                return "otherResult";
            return theProperty;
like image 29
Dawood ibn Kareem Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 03:11

Dawood ibn Kareem

Yes you can, using a custom argument matcher.

See the javadoc of Matchers for more details, and more specifically ArgumentMatcher.

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fge Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11


Here is how it would look like in Kotlin with mockito-kotlin library.

mock<Resources> {
    on {
    } doAnswer {
        "Here is the value: ${it.arguments[0]}"
like image 6
tasomaniac Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11


You can do this with Mockito 3.6.0:

    .thenAnswer(invocation -> myStringMethod(invocation.getArgument(0)));

This answer is based on Sven's answer and Martijn Hiemstra's comment, with getArgumentAt() changed to getArgument().

like image 2
Ellen Spertus Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11

Ellen Spertus