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Mockito How to mock void method with output argument?




I have a void method "functionVoid" that informs a parameter.

public class MyMotherClass {
 MyClass2 myClass2

 public String motherFunction(){
  String test = "";

  if (test.equals("")) {
      IllegalArgumentException ile = new IllegalArgumentException(
      "Argument is not valid");
      throw ile;

public class MyClass2 {

public void functionVoid(String output_value)
{ ....
 output_value = "test";


How do I mock this method in the JUnit method my method "motherFunction"? In my example, the "test" variable is still empty.

public class MyMotherClassTest {

 private MyClass2 myClass2 ;

 private final MyMotherClass myMotherClass = new MyMotherClass ();

 public void test(){


like image 415
guliemo Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 11:01


1 Answers

If you can change functionVoid() to accept a mutable object as the parameter, then you should be able to achieve what you want.

For example, if you change functionVoid() as follows:

public void functionVoid(StringBuilder output_value)
{ ....


and invoke it in your motherFunction as follows:

public String motherFunction(){
  StringBuilder test = new StringBuilder();

  if (test.toString().equals("")) {

Now modifying OceanLife's answer above, you should be able to do the following:

doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {

  public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
    StringBuilder output_value = invocation.getArguments()[0];
    output_value.append("Not blank");
    return null;

Of course, if you can change functionVoid(), you could also just make it return a String instead of void.

like image 64
mrjmh Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10
