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Mockito: How do you verify the group order of certain groups of method calls?

I'm using Mockito to verify orders of method calls with the InOrder object. But I am not interested in a total ordering of the calls, only that a certain group of method calls all happen before some other methods are invoked. For example like this

public void testGroupOrder() {
    Foo foo1 = mock(Foo.class);
    Foo foo2 = mock(Foo.class);
    Bar underTest = new Bar();


    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(foo1,foo2);



But this test does test too much, since it tests the order of the Foo instances. But I'm only interested in the order of the different methods. In fact I want underTest to not differentiate the instances of Foo, it may have an internal order on them or not, so it does not matter in which order the foos are called. I'd like to keep that as an implementation detail.

But it is important that doThisFirst() has been called on all of the foos before beforeDoingThis() is invoked on any other foo. Is it possible to express that with Mockito? How?

like image 644
benjamin Avatar asked Sep 14 '12 08:09


People also ask

Which mock type the order of the method calls matter?

Mockito provides Inorder class which takes care of the order of method calls that the mock is going to make in due course of its action.

How do you verify a method called in Mockito?

Mockito verify() simple example It's the same as calling with times(1) argument with verify method. verify(mockList, times(1)). size(); If we want to make sure a method is called but we don't care about the argument, then we can use ArgumentMatchers with verify method.

Which is used with Mockito verify method to get the arguments passed when any method is called?

Just like stubbing, Argument matchers can be used for verification also.

1 Answers

Mockito verifies the order across all the mocks that were passed to the inorder function. So if you don't want to verify the order of the foos you need to create two seperate in-orders. i.e.

public void testGroupOrder() {
    Foo foo1 = mock(Foo.class);
    Foo foo2 = mock(Foo.class);
    Bar underTest = new Bar();


    InOrder inOrderFoo1 = inOrder(foo1);

    InOrder inOrderFoo2 = inOrder(foo2);
like image 93
EdC Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10