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Mockito ClassCastException - A mock cannot be cast

I have a method in the class AppleProcessor which I would like to test:

public void process(Fruit fruit) {
    if(fruit.getType() == Fruit.APPLE) {
        fruitBasket.add(((AppleFruit) fruit).getApple());
    else {
        // do something else

Note that Fruit is an interface with the method getType() which AppleFruit implements and also has a getApple() method.

My test looks like:

FruitBasket fruitBasket;

Fruit fruit;

AppleFruit apple;

public void setUp() {

public void testAnAppleIsProcessed() {
    AppleProcessor appleProcessor = new AppleProcessoer();
    when(((AppleFruit) fruit).getApple()).thenReturn(apple);



However I get the following error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: package.fruit.Fruit$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$b8254f54 cannot be cast to package.fruit.AppleFruit

which comes from this line in the test

when(((AppleFruit) fruit).getApple()).thenReturn(apple);

Would anyone know how to resolve this so I can test my code?

like image 660
user2844485 Avatar asked Feb 11 '15 19:02


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To prevent the ClassCastException exception, one should be careful when casting objects to a specific class or interface and ensure that the target type is a child of the source type, and that the actual object is an instance of that type.

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Introduction. ClassCastException is a runtime exception raised in Java when we try to improperly cast a class from one type to another. It's thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a related class, but of which it is not an instance.

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initMocks(this); initializes fields annotated with Mockito annotations. Allows shorthand creation of objects required for testing. Minimizes repetitive mock creation code. Makes the test class more readable.

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Your mock object is enhanced by Mockito and it is not same as your class, so you can't type cast. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

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Mockito will dynamically create a class which implements Fruit (this class is Fruit$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$b8254f54 ), and create an instance of this class. There's no reason for this class to be an instance of AppleFruit, since you didn't tell Mockito that the object had to be of type AppleFruit.

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2 Answers

When you say

Fruit fruit;

You tell Mockito: the fruit variable should be an instance of Fruit. Mockito will dynamically create a class which implements Fruit (this class is Fruit$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$b8254f54), and create an instance of this class. There's no reason for this class to be an instance of AppleFruit, since you didn't tell Mockito that the object had to be of type AppleFruit.

Declare it as AppleFruit, and it will be of type AppleFruit.

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JB Nizet Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

JB Nizet

Mockito can deal with mocked objects that are alread casted at mocking time (assignment). However, it does not cast by itself a mocked object during code execution.

In other words(or better yet, code):

Fruit fruit = Mockito.mock(Applefruit.class);

Just do as JB Nizet said and you will be fine. I had a similar problem and his solution worked.

For this question it would be:

FruitBasket fruitBasket;

AppleFruit fruit; // chaged here

AppleFruit apple;

public void setUp() {

public void testAnAppleIsProcessed() {
    AppleProcessor appleProcessor = new AppleProcessoer();
    when(((AppleFruit) fruit).getApple()).thenReturn(apple);



That is all what is needed.

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Juliano Suman Curti Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09

Juliano Suman Curti