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Mocking GraphQL, MockList genertes only two items in the array

I am trying to generate a list of 10 items in my GraphQL mock server like this:

import { makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema, MockList } from 'graphql-tools';
import casual from 'casual';
import typeDefs from './schema.graphql';

export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs });

const mocks = {
  File: () => ({
    path: casual.random_element([
  UsedCar: () =>
    new MockList(10, () => ({
      price: casual.integer(10000, 99999999),
      year: casual.integer(1990, 2017),

// This function call adds the mocks to your schema!
addMockFunctionsToSchema({ schema, mocks });

But I always get two used cars I don't know why. Can anyone help?

Regards, Mostafa

like image 950
Shalkam Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 17:12


1 Answers

In your code, you are defining a mock resolver for your UsedCar type. You didn't post your typeDefs or resolvers, but I'm guessing your type definition for UsedCar includes the two fields (price and year)... not a whole array of objects with those two fields. However, that is what you are telling the mock function you have.

If you have a query that fetches an array of UsedCar types, in order to get 10 mocked objects of that type, you will have to mock both the query and the type. So, assuming you have a query like getUsedCars, what you really want is:

mocks: {
  Query: () => ({
    getUsedCars: () => new MockList(10)
  UsedCar: () => ({
    price: casual.integer(10000, 99999999),
    year: casual.integer(1990, 2017),

Edit: If you only mock the type, anywhere in the schema that resolves to an array of that type will return two mocked objects by default, which is why you were seeing two instead of ten.

like image 60
Daniel Rearden Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 05:12

Daniel Rearden