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Mocking delegates with Moq

I have an interface:

public interface IRepeater
    void Each(string path, Action<string> action);

I want to mock this interface using Moq. Now I can obviously do the following:

var mock = new Mock<IRepeater>();
mock.Setup(m => m.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Action<string>>());

However, to aid testing I want to be able to mock the string that gets passed to the Action<string>. Can this be done with Moq? If yes, how?


To clarify I am testing a different class that has a dependency on IRepeater. I want to mock IRepeater.Each so I can control the string that the Action gets so I can test the behaviour.


So if I have a class like so.

public class Service
    private readonly IRepeater _repeater;

    public Service(IRepeater repeater)
        _repeater = repeater;

    public string Parse(string path)
        var builder = new StringBuilder();

        _repeater.Each(path, line => builder.Append(line));

        return builder.ToString();

How do I mock IRepeater.Each so that I can test Service.Parse?

like image 577
baynezy Avatar asked Dec 20 '15 06:12


1 Answers

You have to use callback method. Since line => builder.Append(line) is part of the method behavior, you have to execute this behavior when you test the method:

    public void Test_Service_When_Passing_String_And_ActionDelegate()
        var fakeReporter = new Mock<IRepeater>();

        fakeReporter.Setup(x => x.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Action<string>>()))
            .Callback<string, Action<string>>((s, action) => action(s));

        var target = new Service(fakeReporter.Object);

        var result = target.Parse("asdfghj");

        Assert.AreEqual("asdfghj", result);

Another approach to test this method is to verify the method was called with the correct path and then verify that the action is the correct action:

    public void Test_Service_When_Passing_String_And_ActionDelegate()
        var fakeReporter = new Mock<IRepeater>();

        fakeReporter.Setup(x => x.Each(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Action<string>>()))
            .Callback<string, Action<string>>((s, action) =>
                Assert.AreEqual("asdfghj", s);
                foreach (var w in "pass")

        var target = new Service(fakeReporter.Object);

        var result = target.Parse("asdfghj");

        Assert.AreEqual("pass", result);

BTW you can replace the It.IsAny<string>() with the string and then remove the Assert.AreEqual("asdfghj", s);(I just like to test things in the explicit way...)

like image 152
Old Fox Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10

Old Fox