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Mocking a function that returns a Generator in PHP with PHPUnit/Phake

Lets say that I have the following interface:

interface MyInterface
    public function yieldData();

I want to create a mock of this interface, for example like so:

$mocked_instance = Phake::partialMock(MyInterface::class);

What is the most preferred way to mock the yield method? This is the best that I came up with:


Is there a way to do this in PHPUnit/Phake that more closely resembles the original functionality of the function (i.e. returning a Generator)?

like image 599
Thijs Riezebeek Avatar asked Dec 27 '16 10:12

Thijs Riezebeek

2 Answers

Thank you Oliver Maksimovic for your comment, which has helped me in finding a solution that works for me.

I've decided to create the following function on my base testcase:

 * @param array @array
 * @return \Generator|[]
protected function arrayAsGenerator(array $array)
    foreach ($array as $item) {
        yield $item;

This allows me to do the following:

$mocked_instance = Phake::partialMock(MyInterface::class);

$numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

like image 98
Thijs Riezebeek Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Thijs Riezebeek

I'm using PHPUnit only, and didn't want to mess with adding Phake or other testing frameworks. The most useful solution to this problem I found came from this article:


However, I don't like the choice of syntax in the article, and I think it's easier to understand the code with a helper method, generate(). Under the hood, it's still using the PHPUnit::returnCallback() like in the article.

Here's an example Dependency class with a Generator method I need to mock:

class MockedClass 
    public function generatorFunc() : Generator
        $values = [1,2,3,4];

        foreach($values as $value)
            yield $value;

And here's a PhpUnit Test class with a generate() helper method that implements the solution in the article above:

class ExampleTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    // Helper function creates a nicer interface for mocking Generator behavior
    protected function generate(array $yield_values)
        return $this->returnCallback(function() use ($yield_values) {
            foreach ($yield_values as $value) {
                yield $value;

    public function testMockedGeneratorExample() 
        $mockedObj = $this->createMock(MockedClass::class);


        // Run code that uses MockedClass as dependency
        // Make additional assertions as needed...
like image 5
Adin Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11
