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Mock functions in Go

I'm puzzled with dependencies. I want to be able to replace some function calls with mock ones. Here's a snippet of my code:

func get_page(url string) string {
    defer free_dl_slot(url)
    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil { return "" }
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil { return "" }
    return string(contents)

func downloader() {
    dl_slots = make(chan bool, DL_SLOT_AMOUNT) // Init the download slot semaphore
    content := get_page(BASE_URL)
    links_regexp := regexp.MustCompile(LIST_LINK_REGEXP)
    matches := links_regexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
    for _, match := range matches{
        go serie_dl(match[1], match[2])

I'd like to be able to test downloader() without actually getting a page through http - i.e. by mocking either get_page (easier since it returns just the page content as a string) or http.Get().

I found this thread which seems to be about a similar problem. Julian Phillips presents his library, Withmock as a solution, but I'm unable to get it to work. Here's the relevant parts of my testing code, which is largely cargo cult code to me, to be honest:

import (
    "net/http" // mock
func TestDownloader (t *testing.T) {
    ctrl := gomock.NewController()
    defer ctrl.Finish()
    // The rest to be written

The test output is following:

ERROR: Failed to install '_et/http': exit status 1 output: can't load package: package _et/http: found packages http (chunked.go) and main (main_mock.go) in

Is the Withmock a solution to my testing problem? What should I do to get it to work?

like image 964
GolDDranks Avatar asked Oct 03 '13 19:10


People also ask

Can I mock a function in Golang?

The simple answer is, if your function contains API / DB call (external call), you should mock it in your test environment.

What is mock in unit testing Golang?

Mocking is a way of creating a stub (a fake, a not the real, you name it) piece of code that substitutes some functions of the whole code. Its purpose is to make testing easier because you can control those stub functions' inputs and outputs freely which allows you to focus only on the business logic.

1 Answers

Personally, I don't use gomock (or any mocking framework for that matter; mocking in Go is very easy without it). I would either pass a dependency to the downloader() function as a parameter, or I would make downloader() a method on a type, and the type can hold the get_page dependency:

Method 1: Pass get_page() as a parameter of downloader()

type PageGetter func(url string) string

func downloader(pageGetterFunc PageGetter) {
    // ...
    content := pageGetterFunc(BASE_URL)
    // ...


func get_page(url string) string { /* ... */ }

func main() {


func mock_get_page(url string) string {
    // mock your 'get_page()' function here

func TestDownloader(t *testing.T) {

Method2: Make download() a method of a type Downloader:

If you don't want to pass the dependency as a parameter, you could also make get_page() a member of a type, and make download() a method of that type, which can then use get_page:

type PageGetter func(url string) string

type Downloader struct {
    get_page PageGetter

func NewDownloader(pg PageGetter) *Downloader {
    return &Downloader{get_page: pg}

func (d *Downloader) download() {
    content := d.get_page(BASE_URL)


func get_page(url string) string { /* ... */ }

func main() {
    d := NewDownloader(get_page)


func mock_get_page(url string) string {
    // mock your 'get_page()' function here

func TestDownloader() {
    d := NewDownloader(mock_get_page)
like image 85
weberc2 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
