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Mock constructor with mockito

I want to mock a constructor into method.

public String generaID() {   
    GeneraIDParaEntidadCliente aux = new GeneraIDParaEntidadCliente(nombre, registro);   

In my test I want do something like this :

when(new GeneraIDParaEntidadCliente(anyString(), any(Entidad.class)).thenReturn(generaIdMock)  

but give me this error org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.InvalidUseOfMatchersException:

Any idea why?

like image 605
Mathew Rock Avatar asked Nov 29 '13 12:11

Mathew Rock

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1 Answers

You can use PowerMock to mock constructors.

If you can't use PowerMock for some reason, the most workable solution is to inject a factory to whatever class contains this method. You would then use the factory to create your GeneraIDParaEntidadCliente object and mock the factory.

like image 165
Dave Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10
