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Mixing a Table with Angular-UI Accordion


I'm trying to mix a table with angular-ui's accordion but I can't figure out a way to do it. I'm not a pro, writing directives. I wonder if such a bridge exist. To achieve something like this :

<table class="table table-hover table-condensed" thead>
            <th>{{ data.profile.firstname }}</th>
            <th>{{ data.profile.lastname }}</th>
            <th>{{ data.profile.email }}</th>
            <th>{{ data.profile.company_name }}</th>
            <th>{{ data.profile.city }}</th>
    <tbody accordion close-others="true">
        <!-- <tr ng-repeat="client in clients" ng-click="goTo('profile/' + client.username);"> -->
        <tr ng-repeat="client in clients" accordion-group is-open="client.isOpen">
                <td>{{ client.firstname }}</td>
                <td>{{ client.lastname }}</td>
                <td>{{ client.email }}</td>
                <td>{{ client.company_name }}</td>
                <td>{{ client.city }}</td>
            Accordion Content

Though it's not working :( Is there anyone who succeded to achieve something like this ?

The result I'm looking for is for when I click on a line in the table, it does the same behavior of an accordion.