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Missing set-cookie header on POST in Spring MVC 3.1

Cookies added to the HttpServletResponse during an $.ajax POST call do not appear in the response header (there is no set-cookie). The same code does function properly during GET requests.

I have the following code in an interceptor postHandle:

public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
                           Object handler, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception {
            Cookie cookie = new Cookie(User.USER_KEY, userAsJson);
            LOGGER.info("Cookie json is: " + userAsJson);
            LOGGER.info("Header names: " + response.getHeaderNames());
            LOGGER.info("Set-cookie header(s): " + response.getHeaders("Set-Cookie"));

I'm seeing this issue when returning from a request to this mapping:

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/user/wait", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public User waitingApi(HttpSession session) {

Ajax call parameters:

    var ajaxMessage = {
        url : '/api/user/wait',
        type : 'POST',
        success : waitCallback,
        error : waitErrorCallback

On a GET I see the following in my logs:

Cookie json is: { my valid json object }

Header names: [Set-Cookie]

Set-cookie header(s): [user="{ my valid json object }"; Version=1; Path=/]

On a POST I see the following in my logs:

Cookie json is: { my valid json object }

Header names: [Content-Type, Transfer-Encoding, Date, Server]

Set-cookie header(s): [] <--- this is empty, not redacted

like image 779
Malcolm O'Hare Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 12:10

Malcolm O'Hare

1 Answers

After much time spent with google, I found this post: http://mjremijan.blogspot.ca/2012/06/spring-not-setting-cookie-on-ajax.html

Is short, the postHandle interceptor doesn't do anything when the request hits an operation which has the annotation @ResponseBody. You can set the cookie inside the operation method by adding the response object to the operation parameters and calling addCookie inside the operation.

like image 72
Malcolm O'Hare Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Malcolm O'Hare