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Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment on Ubuntu 18.04 server (Rails 6.0), multiple topics tried

This topic has a SOLUTION embeded at the end.


I'm deploying for the first time a Rails app on a VPS on Ubuntu 18.04. with Nginx. I followed the good tutorial of Gorails "Deploy Ruby on Rails To Production in 2019". Everything worked, until I had the "Incomplete response received from application" page.

I checked the nginx logs on /var/log/nginx/error.logand saw the typical message "Missing secret_key_base for 'production' environment, set this string with rails credentials:edit"

As the method of Gorails didn't seems to work (after a bundle exec rails secret on his console app-side, he add a file /my_website/.rbenv-vars with a SECRET_KEY_BASE line, filled with the generated secret key), I decided to follow the multiples topics answering to this question. Here is the thing, I'm not sure if the followings steps are the goods one.

  1. I run bundle exec rails secreton my console, server-side, as deploy user. So I have my GENERATED_KEY_1
  2. I add to ~/.bashrc : export SECRET_KEY_BASE="GENERATED_KEY_1"
  3. I source ~/.bashrc
  4. I check my key with echo $SECRET_KEY_BASE, and I have the good key displayed (GENERATED_KEY_1)
  5. I edited my credential file as
  secret_key_base: ORIGINAL_KEY

  secret_key_base: ORIGINAL_KEY

  secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>

and added Dotenv to my Gemfile, required it in application.rb

But none of this worked, after restarted nginx server. So I restarted the previous step, with the root-user.

But again, it failed. My questions are:

  • what I am missing ?
  • How can I know, if it's searching the key in the good place, as I have always the same error message ?
  • Which key am I suppose to generate ? App-side ? Server-side ? As root or deploy user ?
  • Do I have something else to configure in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default ? (I saw on this topic that this guys changed a rails_env production; to rails_env development; but I haven't any rails line)

Thank you, I'm a little bit desperate ^^


During my many tests, I logged with the root user, and run EDITOR="vim" rails credentials:edit. This command had generated a master.key, which doesn't exist on your Github repo.

But first, I didn't modified it. I think that was the main problem, as the application use it to decrypt your credentials.yml.enc file. When I understood it, I edited the master.key with the content of the master.key on my computer app.

Even after editing credentials.yml.encwith <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>, this solution works. This corresponds to the answer of Lyzard Kyng, even if it's a bit different.

I can't run EDITOR="vim" rails credentials:editwith the deploy user, it doesn't work.

like image 785
OBrooks Avatar asked Jul 31 '19 11:07


People also ask

What is Rails master key?

The key used to encrypt credentials, called the Rails master key, is automatically generated when you create a new Rails app or when you run bin/rails credentials:edit . If you like to create a new key, you can run bin/rails runner 'puts ActiveSupport::EncryptedFile.generate_key'

What is Secret_key_base?

secret_key_base is used to encrypt and sign session.

1 Answers

Rails 5.2 and later uses encrypted credentials for storing sensitive app's information, which includes secret_key_base by default. These credentials are encrypted with the key stored in master.key file. Git repository, generated by default Rails application setup, includes credentials.yml.enc but ignores master.key. After the deployment, which usually involves git push, Rails production environment should be augmented with this key some way.

So you have two options. You can securely upload master.key to production host via scp or sftp. Or you can establish shell environment variable RAILS_MASTER_KEY within the context of a user that runs rails server process. The former option is preferred, but as you have dotenv-rails gem installed, you'd create .env.production file under app's root and put there a line


Don't forget to ensure that gem dotenv-rails isn't restricted within Gemfile by development and test Rails environments.

By the way since passenger module ver. 5.0.0 you can set shell environment variables right from nginx.conf

like image 186
Lyzard Kyng Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09

Lyzard Kyng