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Missing number(s) Interview Question Redux

You are only specifying the time complexity, but the space complexity is also important to consider.

The problem complexity can be specified in term of N (the length of the range) and K (the number of missing elements).

In the question you link, the solution of using equations is O(K) in space (or perhaps a bit more ?), as you need one equation per unknown value.

There is also the preservation point: may you alter the list of known elements ? In a number of cases this is undesirable, in which case any solution involving reordering the elements, or consuming them, must first make a copy, O(N-K) in space.

I cannot see faster than a linear solution: you need to read all known elements (N-K) and output all unknown elements (K). Therefore you cannot get better than O(N) in time.

Let us break down the solutions

  • Destroying, O(N) space, O(N log N) time: in-place sort
  • Preserving, O(K) space ?, O(N log N) time: equation system
  • Preserving, O(N) space, O(N) time: counting sort

Personally, though I find the equation system solution clever, I would probably use either of the sorting solutions. Let's face it: they are much simpler to code, especially the counting sort one!

And as far as time goes, in a real execution, I think the "counting sort" would beat all other solutions hands down.

Note: the counting sort does not require the range to be [0, X), any range will do, as any finite range can be transposed to the [0, X) form by a simple translation.


Changed the sort to O(N), one needs to have all the elements available to sort them.

Having had some time to think about the problem, I also have another solution to propose. As noted, when N grows (dramatically) the space required might explode. However, if K is small, then we could change our representation of the list, using intervals:

  • {4, 5, 3, 1, 7}

can be represented as

  • [1,1] U [3,5] U [7,7]

In the average case, maintaining a sorted list of intervals is much less costly than maintaining a sorted list of elements, and it's as easy to deduce the missing numbers too.

The time complexity is easy: O(N log N), after all it's basically an insertion sort.

Of course what's really interesting is that there is no need to actually store the list, thus you can feed it with a stream to the algorithm.

On the other hand, I have quite a hard time figuring out the average space complexity. The "final" space occupied is O(K) (at most K+1 intervals), but during the construction there will be much more missing intervals as we introduce the elements in no particular order.

The worst case is easy enough: N/2 intervals (think odd vs even numbers). I cannot however figure out the average case though. My gut feeling is telling me it should be better than O(N), but I am not that trusting.

Whether the given solution is theoretically better than the sorting one depends on N and K. While your solution has complexity of O(N*log(N)), the given solution is O(N*K). I think that the given solution is (same as the sorting solution) able to solve any range [A, B] just by transforming the range [A, B] to [1, N].

What about this?

  1. create your own set containing all the numbers
  2. remove the given set of numbers from your set (no need to sort)

What's left in your set are the missing numbers.

My question is that seeing as the [...] cases converge at roughly something larger than O(nlogn) [...]

In 2011 (after you posted this question) Caf posted a simple answer that solves the problem in O(n) time and O(k) space [where the array size is n - k].

Importantly, unlike in other solutions, Caf's answer has no hidden memory requirements (using bit array's, adding numbers to elements, multiplying elements by -1 - these would all require O(log(n)) space).

Note: The question here (and the original question) didn't ask about the streaming version of the problem, and the answer here doesn't handle that case.

Regarding the other answers: I agree that many of the proposed "solutions" to this problem have dubious complexity claims, and if their time complexities aren't better in some way than either:

  • count sort (O(n) time and space)
  • compare (heap) sort (O(n*log(n)) time, O(1) space)

...then you may as well just solve the problem by sorting.

However, we can get better complexities (and more importantly, genuinely faster solutions):