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Minimum sdk for recycleview and pros/cons of replacing listviews with it

What is the minimum sdk currently for recyclerview. I've seen some posts about this but they're all from 2014 so I'm looking for some new info. Also, my app is heavily dependent on listviews and asynctasks and I'm thinking of switching to recyclerview to add some animations etc. My min sdk is 11 for the app and I'm wondering whether this change is possible or will it cause compatibility issues. Also, is the process of converting from a listview to a recyclerview time consuming or not?

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Alk Avatar asked Jun 30 '15 14:06


People also ask

What are the advantages of using a RecyclerView instead of a ListView?

Advantages of RecyclerView over listview : Contains ViewHolder by default. Easy animations. Supports horizontal , grid and staggered layouts.

What can I use instead of ListView?

you should use recyclerview because it offers more control than listview. It is litte bit complex but you get there then your life will be super easy whenever you are dealing with list kind of thing.

Which of the following are advantages to using RecyclerView?

RecyclerView lets you use packages to organize your code. RecyclerView helps save processing time, which can help scrolling through a list smoother. RecyclerView is designed to be efficient for lists by reusing views that have scrolled off the screen. RecyclerView automatically incorporates Material Design components.

1 Answers

RecyclerView is part of the v7 support library which means you can use it on anything that has api 7 and up.

the process of converting is not trivial but its not hard either

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tyczj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
