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Minimum Lexicographical String after K removals of first, second, last or penultimate characters


Given a string S S.length() <= 5.10^5 and an integer K K <= S.length(). For each removal, you can:

  • Remove the first character of the string
  • Remove the second character of the string
  • Remove the last character of the string
  • Remove the second last character of the string

How can I do exactly K removals such that the final string has minimum lexicographical order?


S= "abacaaba", K = 2

  • Remove the second character of the string
  • Remove the second last character of the string

The final string: "aacaaa" which is the smallest lexicographical possible.


I've tried for many days but can't figure out an efficience way to solve this problem. But I think there's something to do with dynamic programming.

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unglinh279 Avatar asked Aug 20 '21 04:08


People also ask

How do you find the lexicographically smallest character?

Approach: In order to get the lexicographically smallest string, we need to take the minimum character from the first K characters every time we choose a character from str. To do that, we can put the first K characters in a priority_queue (min-heap) and then choose the smallest character and append it to X.

What is meant by Lexicographically smallest string?

The smallest lexicographical order is an order relation where string s is smaller than t, given the first character of s (s1) is smaller than the first character of t (t1), or in case they are equivalent, the second character, etc.

How do you make a string lexicographical in C++?

Create a simple integer array(hash[]) of size 26. Each of its index will denote an alphabet, considering your string is only comprised of small alphabets. Initialize the array to zero. Now traverse the string and for each occurred alphabet in string add its frequency by one in hash[].

2 Answers

All together, these ideas should lead to a linear-time algorithm.

If K ≤ N−4, the final string has at least four characters. Its two-character prefix is the least two-character subsequence of the (K+2)-character prefix of the initial string. Compute this prefix and the possible positions of its second character. This can be accomplished in O(K) time by scanning through first K+2 characters, maintaining the least character so far and the least two-character subsequence so far.

Now that we know the two-character prefix, we just have to determine the best suffix. For a prefix that required J deletions to set up, the final string continues with the next N−4 − K characters that we can't touch, followed by the least two-character subsequence of the (K+2 − J)-character suffix of the initial string. We can compute the least two-character subsequence of each of the relevant suffixes using the scanning algorithm described previously. The one tricky part is comparing the untouchable middles efficiently. This can be accomplished with some difficulty using a suffix array with longest common prefixes.

If K > N−4, just return the least (N−K)-character subsequence.

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David Eisenstat Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

David Eisenstat

Interesting task!

Update: step 5 incorrect. Here is correct one:

All combinations with length M, which consist of 3'th and 4'th remove operations are equal to this class of operations: Zero or more 3 after that zero or more 4, like this regexp: (3)(4) You can prove it:

  1. 43 pair is equal to 33
  2. 343 pair equal to 443.
  3. Moreover 34...43 is equal to 44...43.

So you can pick rightmost 3 and with rule 3 make it the only one 3. And with rule 4 make transform all left 4 to 3.

any ->rule3-> 4...434...4 -> rule1-> 3...34...4

It leads to O(K^3) complexity of step 6 brute force.

Original answer

There are some ideas and solution that works nice in common

  1. [More short word is smaller in lexicographical order] Wrong, as @n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m. mentinoed. All possible results will be equal length (Length-K), because we should use all of them.
  2. Lexicographical order means: for semi-length words we match symbols from left to right until it equal. Result of word comparison is result of first different char comparison result. So minimization of i'th symbol is more important than minimization (i+j)'th symbol for all positive j.
  3. So most important is first symbol minimization. Only first removal operation can influence on it. By first removal operation we try to place at first place minimal possible value (It will be minimal value from first K symbols). If there is some positions with minimal letter - we will pick leftmost one (we don't want to delete extra symbols and lost correct answer).
  4. Now most important is second letter. So we want to minimize it too. We will make it like in 3'th step of algorithm. But, we use 2'nd remove operation and if we had some variants as minimal - we save all of them as candidates.
  5. All combinations with length M, which consist of 3'th and 4'th remove operations are equal to only 2 combinations:
  • all operations are 4'th: 44...44
  • all operations are 4'th but the last one is 3: 44...43. So for every candidate we can check only two possibilities.
  1. Brute force all candidates with both possibilities. Find minimal.

In common case this algorithm work's well. But in worst case it's weak. There is counterpoint: Maxlength string with same letter. Then we have K candidates and algorithm complexity will be O(K^2) - it's not good for this task.

For deal with it i think we can choose right candidate at 6'th step of algorithm:

6*. For two candidates - compare their suffix - letters after it. Candidate with smaller letter at same tail position (tail position counts from this candidate head position) is better for our purposes.

7*. Compare two possibilities form 5'th algorithm step and choose minimal.

Problem of this (*) approach - i cannot get a rigid proof that it's better solution. Most hard part, when one candidate is a prefix of another - we compare it letter by letter until smallest doesn't end. for example in string abcabcabc...abc with candidate at first and fourth position.

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Nikxp Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
