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min heap in python

I'd like to store a set of objects in a min heap by defining a custom comparison function. I see there is a heapq module available as part of the python distribution. Is there a way to use a custom comparator with this module? If not, has someone else built a custom min heap?

like image 931
Setjmp Avatar asked Mar 24 '09 23:03


People also ask

What is a min-heap in Python?

A Min-Heap is a complete binary tree in which the value in each internal node is smaller than or equal to the values in the children of that node.

Is Python heap Min or Max?

8 Common Data Structures every Programmer must know The heapq module of python implements the heap queue algorithm. It uses the min heap where the key of the parent is less than or equal to those of its children.

Is there built in min-heap in Python?

In Python, it is available using the “heapq” module. The property of this data structure in Python is that each time the smallest heap element is popped(min-heap). Whenever elements are pushed or popped, heap structure is maintained. The heap[0] element also returns the smallest element each time.

What is the use of min-heap?

There are two types of heaps: Min-heap and Max-heap. A min-heap is used to access the minimum element in the heap whereas the Max-heap is used when accessing the maximum element in the heap.

2 Answers

Two options (aside from Devin Jeanpierre's suggestion):

  1. Decorate your data before using the heap. This is the equivalent of the key= option to sorting. e.g. if you (for some reason) wanted to heapify a list of numbers according to their sine:

    data = [ # list of numbers ]
    heap = [(math.sin(x), x) for x in data]
    # get the min element
    item = heappop(heap)[1]
  2. The heapq module is implemented in pure python. You could just copy it to your working directory and change the relevant bits. From a quick look, you would have to modify siftdown() and siftup(), and possibly nlargest and nsmallest if you need them.

like image 92
John Fouhy Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10

John Fouhy

Yes, there is a way. Define a wrapping class that implements your custom comparator, and use a list of those instead of a list of your actual objects. That's about the best there is while still using the heapq module, since it provides no key= or cmp= arguments like the sorting functions/methods do.

def gen_wrapper(cmp):
    class Wrapper(object):
        def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
        def __cmp__(self, obj): return cmp(self.value, obj.value)
    return Wrapper
like image 34
Devin Jeanpierre Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10

Devin Jeanpierre