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Migrating redux-form to v6, onBlur and onChange functions

I'm migrating redux-form to the newest version, 6.0.0rc3. In this version the 'fields' array is gone, and is replaced by a Field component (see http://redux-form.com/6.0.0-rc.3/docs/MigrationGuide.md/). I used to extend the default onBlur function in v5 like this:

const { user_zipcode } = this.props.fields;
  val => user_zipcode.onChange(this._handleZipcodeChange(val))

However, in the new version this can't be done anymore, because this.props.fields doesn't exist.

From what I found in the docs, the new way should be to create a component for every form field that has a distinct function, and extend the onBlur function there:

_onBlur() {
  // my custom blur-function

render() {
  const { input, touched, error } = this.props;
  return (
      onBlur={() => {
        // 2 functions need to be called here

This is fine, except that I need to create a new element for each field that needs to do something different when the blur event occurs. In some fields I have to make a call to an API, which I do by dispatching an action. For example, I have to do this to get an address. In these components I have to connect my store, so it gets connected many times.

I tried to pass my custom function from the parent to the Field component, like this:


and getting both functions in my component from the props:

onBlur={() => {

This didn't work correctly because of the new React warning.

Is there a better way to do this?

like image 831
Ashwin van Dijk Avatar asked Jul 21 '16 13:07

Ashwin van Dijk

1 Answers

I ended up with creating a custom component for every form-field that has a onChange or onBlur function. In that way you can run both functions, so all the default redux-form actions are called.

// Licenceplate-component

export default class Licenceplate extends Component {

    _handleBlur = ({ currentTarget: { value } }) => {
        // my blur function

    render() {
        const {
          meta: { touched, error }
        } = this.props;

        return (
          <div className={styles.wrapper}>
                e => input.onBlur(this._handleBlur(e))


// In my form-component
like image 174
Ashwin van Dijk Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Ashwin van Dijk