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Migrate Sitecore security(user/domain/roles/groups) between Sitecore instances?

I need to migrate Sitecore 6 user/domain/roles/groups to Sitecore 8.1 .

Can I serialize complete security(user/domain/roles/groups) entities, Is there any approach is there?

like image 582
Subramani Avatar asked Jan 05 '23 04:01


1 Answers

Yes, you can serialize them and deserialize in the new environment.

Remember that all the passwords will be reset to b.

Below there is a screen from Role Manager. There are 2 buttons:

  • serialize all roles
  • revert all roles

Use first of the to serialize all roles on your Sitecore 6 solution. You will find new directory in your Data\serialization folder called security.

enter image description here

Copy the folder to your Sitecore 8 solution. Serialize Sitecore 8 roles, and then click Revert All Roles on Sitecore 8 solution. You need to serialize Sitecore 8 roles first, cause if you click Revert without serializing them first, all the roles which were not in Sitecore 6 but were in Sitecore 8 will be removed.

Repeat those steps for domains and users.

Chapter 2.2.3 of the Sitecore Serialization Guide covers the topic.

And here is a guide on Transferring user passwords between Sitecore instances

like image 147
Marek Musielak Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 21:04

Marek Musielak