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Middle click in Visual Studio Code for scrolling?

I'm checking out this Visual Studio Code but when you middle-click for scrolling as you would everywhere else it selects code instead of scrolling. Not exactly like a left click but still, annoying for me. Is there a way to solve this issue?

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dawsnap Avatar asked Mar 28 '19 09:03


2 Answers

Since the issue has been reported but not fixed for 5 years, you should upvote that issue, and then use the autohotkey workaround:


(You have to hold the middle-button down in vscode and drag the mouse up or down to autoscroll, and it scrolls one line at a time instead of smoothly, but it's much better than nothing.)

(To use: Install AutoHotkey, then you can download and run the linked .ahk file)

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gamingexpert13 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10


No, unfortunately not (yet). But you can contribute here on github to make it happen.

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Joey Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10
