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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Setup Blocked



I have installed SQL Server 2018 and want to install the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The followinng problem occcurs during the installation of SSMS.

Setup Blocked Something has blocked setup from continuing

Click here for the log file

SSMS can only be upgraded by installing the package of the matching language. Please use the matching version of the installer, or uninstall the current version of SSMS and run SSMS setup again

I have manually deleted files under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools

and have restarted the computer many times.

The same problem still occurs.

How should I do to solve this problem? Please help me.

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Pattaphon Avatar asked May 04 '19 15:05


People also ask

How do I run Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as an administrator?

From the Windows Start menu, right-click the icon for Management Studio and select Run as administrator. This will pass your administrator credentials to SSMS. For earlier versions of Windows, the Run as administrator option appears as a submenu. In some configurations, SSMS will attempt to make several connections.

Do I need admin rights to install SSMS?

The standard SQL Server client tool is called SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio). Download it from here. You'll need admin rights to install it, but after that you should be all set.

1 Answers

Open cmd prompt as administrator, copy the below line and RUN:

reg DELETE “HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio” /reg:32


like image 76
Mojtaba Madadyar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Mojtaba Madadyar