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Microsoft Graph API not returning refresh token

I created an app on https://apps.dev.microsoft.com

with the following Application Permissions:

Calendars.Read (Admin Only) Calendars.ReadWrite (Admin Only) User.Read.All (Admin Only)

The following is the only flow that has worked for me to be able to subscribe to notifications of another user, on another tenant, as described here

Admin Consent

Admin consent was then successfully granted via this URL


Get access token

An access token was then obtained from

POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token

with headers


with {tenant} the value of tenant returned in the callback url,

and body with key-value pairs


This returns an access token, but not a refresh token.

I think this might be because offline_access isn't requested.

How can I get a refresh token?

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karel Avatar asked Dec 01 '17 07:12


People also ask

How do I get my refresh token to expire?

The member must reauthorize your application when refresh tokens expire. When you use a refresh token to generate a new access token, the lifespan or Time To Live (TTL) of the refresh token remains the same as specified in the initial OAuth flow (365 days), and the new access token has a new TTL of 60 days.

How do I trigger a refresh token?

To use the refresh token, make a POST request to the service's token endpoint with grant_type=refresh_token , and include the refresh token as well as the client credentials if required.

Where are refresh tokens stored?

If your application uses refresh token rotation, it can now store it in local storage or browser memory. You can use a service like Auth0 that supports token rotation.

1 Answers

You're partially correct, you will only receive a refresh_token if you request the offline_access scope and you are using the authorization_code grant flow.

Refresh tokens are not available when using the implicit grant and are unnecessary when using the client_credentials grant. When using client_credentials there isn't a user authenticated and therefore there isn't a need to "refresh" a token since you can simply request a new token when needed.

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Marc LaFleur Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Marc LaFleur