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Meteor.js User Login Info



Where would I find info about creating a user login system using meteor.js? Is there an existing library that I could use?

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Dan Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 04:04


1 Answers

UPDATE 4: And Meteor now has full support for accounts, users, etc

see http://docs.meteor.com/#accounts_api

UPDATE 3: Since v0.5.0, Meteor supports authentication and allow/deny rules on collections. See http://docs.meteor.com/#allow for info. Thanks, @Dan Dascalescu !

Update 2: As Greg points out, you actually can lock down the CRUD methods by overriding them with empty functions (more info here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10116342/1180471). So while I assume the auth functionality will make things simpler, you can already roll your own with relatively low effort.

Original answer kept for historic purposes: AFAIK meteor doesn't provide a way to do this yet since there is no way to lock down (part of) the database, so for the moment the only way to do it in a secure way is to bypass meteor and either: - drop down to node and use a seperate database or authentication API - use HTTP authentication I imagine this is pretty high up on their todo list, though...

Update 1: They already started implementing, you can see the code in the livedata-auth branch: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/compare/master...livedata-auth

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Dirk Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
