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meteor vs derbyjs who is winning this battle? [closed]

Recently, I was looking for information about meteor and derbyjs and did not find too much about except an excellent derby's article that I would like to share with you. Besides all this I have very, very intrigued about both projects. I would choose one of them to test their effectiveness, speed and efficiency, what worries me now is that I want to implement jquery and bootstrap on the client and jade, nib stylus on the server. I want to know which one is faster. From what I read in the article i understand that derby is better, faster, and more compatible with SEO. but I want to know what opinions you have about the two projects.

I also read that meteor has a larger community, and have as much investment in the project so they have more support.

For now I just want to know what would be the best choice today.

thank you very much everyone, and I hope to get to the creators of the projects so that they can review the implementation of the modules of jade stylus nib, jquery and bootstrap for responsive design.

PS: I want to leave an important clarification, now my greatest strength is to express nodejs and npm ease allowing me to install any power tool and implement it in my projects.

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andrescabana86 Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 11:03


People also ask

What is DerbyJS?

DerbyJS is an application framework making it easy to write realtime, collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and browsers.

How do Web frameworks make money?

For contributing developers, they typically have full-time jobs which use these technologies, so their company is sponsoring the project indirectly. Alternatively, contributors sometimes consult on the side (while pushing and evangelizing for their own framework) to make ends meet and pay the hosting bills.

1 Answers

There are probably a thousand ways to judge this, if one is how active the community is, Derby has 41 tags/questions asked whereas Meteor has 1235 here on stackoverflow.

Because of this there are more packages that can help you build whatever you want, bugs are fixed faster & the framework is more stable. Initially derby had the leg up due it it having the MIT license. The meteor team however are very enthusiastic about building a fantastic framework also moved to the MIT license.

Also keep in mind that presentation was made in 10/12, Meteor's performance has advanced significantly since then.

With regards to scaling. I'm aware the Meteor team is building a method in which we can scale horizontally using a sort of DDP Proxy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oEPJGNNpkM

Regarding NPM modules & easy use, they're coming to meteor (you can use it now using the engine branch) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA-QB9rQCq8

Routing (including server side routing) : Use Meteor-Router : https://github.com/tmeasday/meteor-router

Other links:

  • http://blog.derbyjs.com/2012/04/14/our-take-on-derby-vs-meteor/ (from the derby team)

So urmm yeah.. choose Meteor =)

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Tarang Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
