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Meteor for mobile application using phonegap




Can one use meteor to build mobile applications ?

The application in phonegap data synchronization?

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marcelo.delta Avatar asked Sep 22 '13 13:09


People also ask

What is PhoneGap in mobile programming?

PhoneGap is an Open Source framework that helps build hybrid applications which work on most mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone among others. Framework provides a container that bridges the native APIs to the web view.

What is app made from JavaScript and PhoneGap called?

Hybrid apps are developed using web technologies: HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, then put inside a native container such Adobe PhoneGap. These native containers run the web application code and package it into an app.

Is PhoneGap and Cordova same?

A good way to understand the difference between Apache Cordova and Adobe PhoneGap is to think about how Apple has its Safari browser, but it is based on the open source WebKit engine. The same is true here: Cordova is the open source version of the framework, while PhoneGap is the Adobe-branded version.

1 Answers

In addition to Morten Henriksen's Meteor-Cordova approach mentioned above (as mentioned in comments), you should also take a look at Kasper Souren's meteor-phonegap, and Abigail Watson's Cordova-phonegap package.

Alan Blount has written a nice blog post (from late August, 2013) summarizing and assessing the various approaches:

Meteor + Phonegap/cordova (roundup – Fall 2013)

Last but not least, there's Tom Coleman's Devshop talk, "How to get your Meteor app into the App Store," which is viewable on the Meteor YouTube channel.

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jadewang Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
