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Meteor compatibility

I'm thinking of using Meteor to create my next application but I had a few questions before.

  • From what I understand the communication between the server and the client uses the DDP protocol / WebSockets. What browsers support Meteor ?

  • What's the difference between the Meteor communication protocol and socket.io ?

  • If there is no difference, is there the possibility to use socket.io instead of the native Meteor DDP protocol / WebSockets ?

  • Is Meteor usable in combination with Yeoman (workflow framework developped by Paul Irish) ?

Thank you a lot in advance !

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m_vdbeek Avatar asked Dec 22 '12 10:12


People also ask

Does Meteor support typescript?

In Meteor apps, javascript, typescript, css files that are dynamically imported, and many other types of files are converted into javascript modules during the build process.

How do I install meteor JS on Windows 10?

In a command prompt, run echo %LocalAppData%. meteor -- this is the directory in which Meteor should be installed. Extract the installation archive into the directory above. Add this directory to your PATH environment variable.

How do I update Meteor to specific version?

The Meteor Tool will notify you when a newer release is available. You can also update specific packages by passing their names as a command line argument to meteor update , for example: meteor update [packageName packageName2 ...]

What is Meteor JS used for?

Meteor, or MeteorJS, is a partly proprietary, mostly free and open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework written using Node. js. Meteor allows for rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform (Android, iOS, Web) code.

1 Answers

Let's see if I can answer your questions in the order that they appear...

  • Meteor supports all major browsers. IE, Chrome, Safari. See Rahul's pointer above for versions of IE.
  • socket.io is a message-level protocol, which takes care of sending, receiving, and routing messages. In contrast, DDP (Meteor's protocol) is a higher-level protocol that models partial replication of your database to the browser, and RPC calls. Indeed, DDP uses a message-level protocol under the covers: sockjs.
  • Breaking out Meteor's message-level transport with an aim towards drop-in replacement would currently require some amount of refactoring and getting down and dirty with Meteor's source code. In the future, the message-level transport is likely to be a bit more encapsulated, but Meteor will generally provide a reasonable default there -- which may or may not always be sockjs-based.
  • While I have not tried Meteor and Yeoman together, they cover a lot of the same ground. Both want to run your local webserver for you; both have opinions about the layout of your project, both optionally minify your javascript, both want to manage your packages (more support for this in Meteor is in development), both provide an initial bit of boilerplate for your app, etc. I suspect it would be much easier to use a pure-Meteor workflow when you're developing a Meteor app.
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Naomi Seyfer Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Naomi Seyfer