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Merging two DataFrames based on indexes from two other DataFrames

I'm new to pandas have tried going through the docs and experiment with various examples, but this problem I'm tacking has really stumped me.

I have the following two dataframes (DataA/DataB) which I would like to merge on a per global_index/item/values basis.

DataA                      DataB
row  item_id  valueA       row    item_id  valueB
0    x        A1           0      x        B1
1    y        A2           1      y        B2
2    z        A3           2      x        B3
3    x        A4           3      y        B4
4    z        A5           4      z        B5
5    x        A6           5      x        B6
6    y        A7           6      y        B7
7    z        A8           7      z        B8

The list of items(item_ids) is finite and each of the two dataframes represent a the value of a trait (trait A, trait B) for an item at a given global_index value.

The global_index could roughly be thought of as a unit of "time"

The mapping between each data frame (DataA/DataB) and the global_index is done via the following two mapper DFs:

global_index  start_row  num_rows
0             0          3
1             3          2
3             5          3

global_index  start_row  num_rows
0             0          2
2             2          3
4             5          3

Simply put for a given global_index (eg: 1) the mapper will define a list of rows into the respective DFs (DataA or DataB) that are associated with that global_index.

For example, for a global_index value of 0:

  • In DF DataA rows 0..2 are associated with global_index 0
  • In DF DataB rows 0..1 are associated with global_index 0

Another example, for a global_index value of 2:

  • In DF DataB rows 2..4 are associated with global_index 2
  • In DF DataA there are no rows associated with global_index 2

The ranges [start_row,start_row + num_rows) presented do not overlap each other and represent a unique sequence/range of rows in their respective dataframes (DataA, DataB)

In short no row in either DataA or DataB will be found in more than one range.

I would like to merge the DFs so that I get the following dataframe:

row   global_index  item_id   valueA   valueB
0     0             x         A1        B1
1     0             y         A2        B2
2     0             z         A3        NaN
3     1             x         A4        B1
4     1             z         A5        NaN
5     2             x         A4        B3
6     2             y         A2        B4
7     2             z         A5        NaN
8     3             x         A6        B3
9     3             y         A7        B4
10    3             z         A8        B5
11    4             x         A6        B6
12    4             y         A7        B7
13    4             z         A8        B8

In the final datafram any pair of global_index/item_id there will ever be either:

  1. a value for both valueA and valueB
  2. a value only for valueA
  3. a value only for valueB

With the requirement being if there is only one value for a given global_index/item (eg: valueA but no valueB) for the last value of the missing one to be used.

like image 281
Lucinda Rigetti Avatar asked Jan 16 '20 20:01

Lucinda Rigetti

1 Answers

First, you can create the 'global_index' column using the function pd.cut:

for df, m in [(df_A, map_A), (df_B, map_B)]:

    bins = np.insert(m['num_rows'].cumsum().values, 0, 0) # create bins and add zero at the beginning
    df['global_index'] = pd.cut(df['row'], bins=bins, labels=m['global_index'], right=False)

Next, you can use outer join to merge both data frames:

df = df_A.merge(df_B, on=['global_index', 'item_id'], how='outer')

And finally you can use functions groupby and ffill to fill missing values:

for val in ['valueA', 'valueB']:
    df[val] = df.groupby('item_id')[val].ffill()


   item_id  global_index  valueA  valueB
0        x             0      A1      B1
1        y             0      A2      B2
2        z             0      A3     NaN
3        x             1      A4      B1
4        z             1      A5     NaN
5        x             3      A6      B1
6        y             3      A7      B2
7        z             3      A8     NaN
8        x             2      A6      B3
9        y             2      A7      B4
10       z             2      A8      B5
11       x             4      A6      B6
12       y             4      A7      B7
13       z             4      A8      B8
like image 63
Mykola Zotko Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 13:09

Mykola Zotko