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Merging duplicates in a list? - Question is more complex than it seems

So I have a huge list of entries in a DB (MySql)

I'm using Python and Django in the creation of my web application.

This is the base Django model I'm using:

class DJ(models.Model):
    alias = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    #other fields...

In my DB I have now duplicates

eg. Above & Beyond, Above and Beyond, Above Beyond, DJ Above and Beyond, Disk Jokey Above and Beyond, ...

This is a problem... as it blows a big hole in my DB and therefore my application.

I'm sure other people have encountered this problem and thought about it.

My ideas are the following:

  • Create a set of rules so a new entry cannot be created?

    eg. "DJ Above and Beyond" cannot be created because "Above & Beyond" is in the DB

  • Relate these aliases to each other somehow?

    eg. relate "DJ Above and Beyond" to "Above & Beyond"

I have literally no clue how to go on about this, even if someone could point me into a direction that would be very helpful.

Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you guys.

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RadiantHex Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 00:12


2 Answers

I guess you could do something based on Levenshtein distance, but there's no real way to do this automatically - without creating a fairly complex rules-based system.

Unless you can define a rules system that can work out for any x and y whether x is a duplicate of y, you're going to have to deal with this in a fuzzy, human way.

Stack Overflow has a fairly decent way of dealing with this - warn users if something may be a duplicate, based on something like Levenshtein distance (and perhaps some kind of rules engine), and then allow a subset of your users to merge things as duplicates if other users ignore the warnings.

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Dominic Rodger Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 14:01

Dominic Rodger

From the examples you give, it sounds like you have more a natural language problem than an exact matching problem. Given that natural language matching is inexact by nature you're unlikely to come up with a perfect solution.

  • String distance doesn't really work, as strings that are algorithmically close may not be semantically close (e.g. "DJ Above & Beyond" should match "Above and Beyond" but not "DJ Above & Beyond 2" which is closer in Levenshtein distance.
  • Some cheap alternatives to natural language parsing are soundex, which will match by phonetic sounds, and Stemming, which removes prefixes/suffixes to normalize on word stems. I suppose you could create a linked list of word roots, but this wouldn't be terribly accurate either.
  • If this is a User-interacting program, you could echo "near misses" to the user, e.g. "Is one of these what you meant to enter?"
  • You could normalize the entries in some way so that different entries map to the same normalized value (e.g. case normalize, "&" -> "And", etc, etc. which some of the above suggestions might be a step towards) to find near misses or map multiple inputs to a single value.

Add the caveat that my experience only applies to English, e.g. an english PorterStemmer won't recognize the one French title you put in there.

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Steve B. Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 14:01

Steve B.