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Merge Visual Studio Solution Files

We have two large solution files that we would like to merge into a single solution.

We could just add the projects from solution A to solution B. But wondering if there is a less time consuming way to do this?

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Shiraz Bhaiji Avatar asked Jan 06 '11 10:01

Shiraz Bhaiji

2 Answers

I had similar requirement to merge a few .sln files into one (Visual Studio 2013). What I did was:

  1. Open one .sln in visual studio [File > Open > Project/Solution...]

  2. Open second .sln in visual studio [File > Open > Project/Solution...] but select 'Add to Solution' option. You might then get warnings that project of same name already exists - ignore them. If there are duplicate folder names, you may need to resolve them after the projects are added to new .sln file

  3. Repeat step 2 for all the rest of .sln files

This worked for me, not sure what would happen in case of duplicate GUIDs though.

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nkanani Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


It's quite error-prone merging two versions of the same solution file - merging two separate files would be even more error-prone in my opinion.

I know no tools for this - my normal approach has been to use VS itself and manually add the projects.

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vlad259 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10
