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merge vector into existing vector

In C++, given vector<T> src, dst, both already sorted, is there a more efficient way to merge the contents of src into dst than

size_t n = dst.size();
dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end());
std::inplace_merge(dst.begin(), dst.begin() + n, dst.end());

? In the case I care about, T is a small (12-16 bytes, depending on ABI) POD structure, but each vector contains millions of elements, so the total amount of memory in play is tens to hundreds of megabytes.

like image 241
zwol Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 16:07


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1 Answers

It can be done more efficiently if T is heavy to copy and your compiler supports C++0x.

#include <iterator> // for make_move_iterator

size_t n = dst.size();


std::inplace_merge(dst.begin(), dst.begin() + n, dst.end());

Using make_move_iterator() will cause insert() to move the contents of src into dst instead of copying them.


You're dealing with POD types and you're already resizing/copying everything in the dst vector in the likely case that insert() overflows the reserve, so it could be faster to just use std::merge() into a new vector. This would avoid that initial copy AND have a better worst-case complexity:

inplace_merge() has a best case of O(n) complexity, but degrades into a worst-case O(n log n) depending on your data.

merge() has a worst-case O(n) so it is guaranteed to be at least as fast, potentially much faster. It also has move optimization built-in.

like image 108
Cory Nelson Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Cory Nelson