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Merge two MultiIndex levels into one in Pandas

I have a Pandas data frame which is MultiIndexed. The second level contains a year ([2014,2015]) and the third contains the month number ([1, 2, .., 12]). I would like to merge these two into a single level like - [1/2014, 2/2014 ..., 6/2015]. How could this be done?

I'm new to Pandas. Searched a lot but could not find any similar question/solution.

Edit: I found a way to avoid having to do this altogether with the answer to this question. I should have been creating my data frame that way. This seems to be the way to go for indexing by DateTime.

like image 753
Anmol Singh Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 19:02

Anmol Singh

People also ask

How do I merge two indexes in pandas?

concat() to Merge Two DataFrames by Index. You can concatenate two DataFrames by using pandas. concat() method by setting axis=1 , and by default, pd. concat is a row-wise outer join.

How do I merge two objects in pandas?

Pandas DataFrame merge() function is used to merge two DataFrame objects with a database-style join operation. The joining is performed on columns or indexes. If the joining is done on columns, indexes are ignored. This function returns a new DataFrame and the source DataFrame objects are unchanged.

2 Answers

Consider the pd.MultiIndex and pd.DataFrame, mux and df

mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list('ab'), [2014, 2015], range(1, 3)])

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=1), mux)


a 2014 1  1
       2  1
  2015 1  1
       2  1
b 2014 1  1
       2  1
  2015 1  1
       2  1

We want to reassign to the index a list if lists that represent the index we want.

  • I want the 1st level the same

  • I want the new 2nd level to be a string concatenation of the current 2nd and 3rd levels but reverse the order


df.index = [df.index.get_level_values(0), df.index.map('{0[2]}/{0[1]}'.format)]


a 1/2014  1
  2/2014  1
  1/2015  1
  2/2015  1
b 1/2014  1
  2/2014  1
  1/2015  1
  2/2015  1
like image 80
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


You can use a list comprehension to restructure your index. For example, if you have a 3 levels index and you want to combine the second and the third levels:

lst = [(i, f'{k}/{j}') for i, j, k in df.index]
df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(lst)
like image 3
Mykola Zotko Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10

Mykola Zotko