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Merge two files and add computation and sorting the updated data in python




I need help to make the snippet below. I need to merge two files and performs computation on matched lines

I have oldFile.txt which contains old data and newFile.txt with an updated sets of data.

I need to to update the oldFile.txt based on the data in the newFile.txt and compute the changes in percentage. Any idea will be very helpful. Thanks in advance

from collections import defaultdict
num = 0
with open("newFile.txt", encoding='utf8', errors='ignore') as f:
    for line in f:
        grp, pname, cnt, cat = line.split(maxsplit=3)
sorteddata = sorted([[k[0],v,k[1],k[2]] for k,v in data.items()], key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)

for subl in sorteddata[:10]:
    num += 1
    line = " ".join(map(str, subl))
    print ("{:>5} -> {:>}".format(str(num), line))

    with open("oldFile.txt", 'a', encoding='utf8', errors='ignore') as l:
        l.write(" ".join(map(str, subl)) + '\n')


 #col1             #col2        #col3  #col4
 1,396 c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204   4    HUH_Token (HUH)                      
   279 9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc   3    BABY BNB (BBNB)                
   231 31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d   6    Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...)             
   438 1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06   8    Charge (Charge)                      
 2,739 6ea059a29eccecee4e250414   2    MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...)

newFile.txt #-- updated data with additional lines not found in oldFile.txt

 #col1             #col2        #col3  #col4
 8,739 6ea059a29eccecee4e250414   60   MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...)
   138 1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06   50   Charge (Charge)                      
   860 31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d   40   Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...)             
   200 9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc   30   BABY BNB (BBNB)    #-- not found in the oldFile.txt
    20 5esdsds2sd15870b15aef8dc   30   CharliesAngel (CA)            
 1,560 c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204   20   HUH_Token (HUH)     

Need Improvement: #-- With additional columns (col5, col6) and sorted based on (col3) values

 #col1             #col2        #col3      #col4                #col5 (oldFile-newFile)   #col6 (oldFile-newFile)
 8,739 6ea059a29eccecee4e250414  62   MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...)   2900.00 % (col3 2-60)    219.06 % (col1 2,739-8,739) 
   138 1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06  58   Charge (Charge)           625.00 % (col3 8-50)    -68.49 % (col1   438-138)      
   860 31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d  46   Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...)  566.67 % (col3 6-40)    272.29 % (col1   231-860)
   200 9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc  33   BABY BNB (BBNB)           900.00 % (col3 3-30)    -28.32 % (col1   279-200) 
    20 5esdsds2sd15870b15aef8dc  30   CharliesAngel (CA)          0.00 % (col3 0-30)     20.00 % (col1   0-20) 
 1,560 c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204  24   HUH_Token (HUH)           400.00 % (col3 4-20)     11.75 % (col1 1,396-1,560)
like image 323
rbutrnz Avatar asked Dec 07 '21 22:12


People also ask

How do I merge two CSV files in Python?

To merge all CSV files, use the GLOB module. The os. path. join() method is used inside the concat() to merge the CSV files together.

How to merge two files into a third file in Python?

Python Program to merge two files into a third file 1 Open file1.txt and file2.txt in read mode. 2 Open file3.txt in write mode. 3 Read the data from file1 and add it in a string. 4 Read the data from file2 and concatenate the data of this file to the previous string. 5 Write the data from string to file3 6 Close all the files

How to merge two or more files into one?

Open the third file in the “WRITE” mode. Firstly, Read data from the first file and store it as a string. Secondly, Read data from the second file and perform string concatenation. Close all files and finally check the file into which the merging is done, for the successful merging or not.

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A Data frame is a two-dimensional data structure, i.e., data is aligned in a tabular fashion in rows and columns. We can join, merge, and concat dataframe using different methods. In Dataframe df.merge (), df.join (), and df.concat () methods help in joining, merging and concating different dataframe.

How to merge files using a for loop?

The above approach can be shortened using for loop. The following are steps to merge. Create a list containing filenames. Open the file3 in write mode. Iterate through the list and open each file in read mode. Read the data from files and simultaneously write the data in file3.

2 Answers

Here is a sample code to output what you need. I use the formula below to calculate pct change. percentage_change = 100*(new-old)/old

If old is 0 it is changed to 1 to avoid division by zero error.

import pandas as pd

def read_file(fn):
    Read file fn and convert data into a dict of dict.
    data = {pname1: {grp: grp1, pname: pname1, cnt: cnt1, cat: cat1},
            pname2: {gpr: grp2, ...} ...}
    data = {}
    with open(fn, 'r') as f:
        for lines in f:
            line = lines.rstrip()
            grp, pname, cnt, cat = line.split(maxsplit=3)
            data.update({pname: {'grp': float(grp.replace(',', '')), 'pname': pname, 'cnt': int(cnt), 'cat': cat}})
    return data

def process_data(oldfn, newfn):  
    Read old and new files, update the old file based on new file.
    Save output to text, and csv files.
    # Get old and new data in dict.
    old = read_file(oldfn)
    new = read_file(newfn)

    # Update old data based on new data
    u_data = {}
    for ko, vo in old.items():
        if ko in new:
            n = new[ko]
            # Update cnt.
            old_cnt = vo['cnt']
            new_cnt = n['cnt']
            u_cnt = old_cnt + new_cnt

            # cnt change, if old is zero we set it to 1 to avoid division by zero error.
            tmp_old_cnt = 1 if old_cnt == 0 else old_cnt
            cnt_change = 100 * (new_cnt - tmp_old_cnt) / tmp_old_cnt

            # grp change
            old_grp = vo['grp']
            new_grp = n['grp']
            grp_change = 100 * (new_grp - old_grp) / old_grp

            u_data.update({ko: {'grp': n['grp'], 'pname': n['pname'], 'cnt': u_cnt, 'cat': n['cat'],
                                'cnt_change%': round(cnt_change, 2), 'grp_change%': round(grp_change, 2)}})

    # add new data to u_data, that is not in old data
    for kn, vn in new.items():
        if kn not in old:        
            # Since this is new item its old cnt is zero, we set it to 1 to avoid division by zero error.
            old_cnt = 1
            new_cnt = vn['cnt']
            cnt_change = 100 * (new_cnt - old_cnt) / old_cnt        

            # grp change is similar to cnt change
            old_grp = 1
            new_grp = vn['grp']
            grp_change = 100 * (new_grp - old_grp) / old_grp
            # Update new columns.
            vn.update({'cnt_change%': round(cnt_change, 2), 'grp_change%': round(grp_change, 2)})        
            u_data.update({kn: vn})
    # Create new data mydata list from u_data, and only extract the dict value.
    mydata = []
    for _, v in u_data.items():
    # Convert mydata into pandas dataframe to easier manage the data.
    df = pd.DataFrame(mydata)
    df = df.sort_values(by=['cnt'], ascending=False)  # sort on cnt column
    # Save to csv file.
    df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False)
    # Save to text file.
    with open('output.txt', 'w') as w:
    # Print in console.    

# Start
oldfn = 'F:/Tmp/oldFile.txt'
newfn = 'F:/Tmp/newFile.txt'
process_data(oldfn, newfn)

Console output:

   grp                    pname  cnt                      cat  cnt_change%  grp_change%
8739.0 6ea059a29eccecee4e250414   62   MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...)      2900.00       219.06
 138.0 1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06   58          Charge (Charge)       525.00       -68.49
 860.0 31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d   46 Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...)       566.67       272.29
 200.0 9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc   33          BABY BNB (BBNB)       900.00       -28.32
  20.0 5esdsds2sd15870b15aef8dc   30       CharliesAngel (CA)      2900.00      1900.00
1560.0 c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204   24          HUH_Token (HUH)       400.00        11.75

text output:

   grp                    pname  cnt                      cat  cnt_change%  grp_change%
8739.0 6ea059a29eccecee4e250414   62   MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...)      2900.00       219.06
 138.0 1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06   58          Charge (Charge)       525.00       -68.49
 860.0 31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d   46 Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...)       566.67       272.29
 200.0 9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc   33          BABY BNB (BBNB)       900.00       -28.32
  20.0 5esdsds2sd15870b15aef8dc   30       CharliesAngel (CA)      2900.00      1900.00
1560.0 c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204   24          HUH_Token (HUH)       400.00        11.75

csv output:

8739.0,6ea059a29eccecee4e250414,62,MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...),2900.0,219.06
138.0,1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06,58,Charge (Charge),525.0,-68.49
860.0,31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d,46,Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...),566.67,272.29
200.0,9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc,33,BABY BNB (BBNB),900.0,-28.32
20.0,5esdsds2sd15870b15aef8dc,30,CharliesAngel (CA),2900.0,1900.0
1560.0,c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204,24,HUH_Token (HUH),400.0,11.75
like image 128
ferdy Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 20:10


Just to give a convtools based alternative solution, where you may find useful pieces:

from convtools import conversion as c
from convtools.contrib.tables import Table

# your percentage change calculation
def c_change(column_name):
    return c.if_(
            (c.col(f"{column_name}_RIGHT") - c.col(f"{column_name}_LEFT"))
            / c.col(f"{column_name}_LEFT")
            * 100.0
        ).pipe(round, 2),

prepare_columns = {
    "COLUMN_0": c.col("COLUMN_0").as_type(float),
    "COLUMN_2": c.col("COLUMN_2").as_type(float),
dialect = Table.csv_dialect(delimiter="\t")

sorted_rows = sorted(
    Table.from_csv("tmp1.csv", dialect=dialect)
        on=["COLUMN_1", "COLUMN_3"],
    key=lambda row: row[2],

Table.from_rows(sorted_rows).into_csv("tmp_result.csv", dialect=dialect)

Results in:

8739.0  6ea059a29eccecee4e250414    60.0    MAXIMACASH (MAXCAS...)  2900.0  219.06
138.0   1c6bc8e962427deb4106ae06    50.0    Charge (Charge) 525.0   -68.49
860.0   31b5c07636dab8f0909dbd2d    40.0    Buff Unicorn (BUFFUN...)    566.67  272.29
200.0   9e4d81c8fc15870b15aef8dc    30.0    BABY BNB (BBNB) 900.0   -28.32
20.0    5esdsds2sd15870b15aef8dc    30.0    CharliesAngel (CA)      
1560.0  c15e89f2149bcc0cbd5fb204    20.0    HUH_Token (HUH) 400.0   11.75
like image 29
westandskif Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 21:10
