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Merge time to time period




I have a DataFrame with measurements, containing the values of the measurement and the times.

time = [datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, np.random.randint(0,23), np.random.randint(1, 59)) for _ in xrange(10)]
df_meas = pandas.DataFrame({'time': time, 'value': np.random.random(10)})

for example:

                 time     value
0 2011-01-01 21:56:00  0.115025
1 2011-01-01 04:40:00  0.678882
2 2011-01-01 02:18:00  0.507168
3 2011-01-01 22:40:00  0.938408
4 2011-01-01 12:53:00  0.193573
5 2011-01-01 19:37:00  0.464744
6 2011-01-01 16:06:00  0.794495
7 2011-01-01 18:32:00  0.482684
8 2011-01-01 13:26:00  0.381747
9 2011-01-01 01:50:00  0.035798

the data-taking is organized in periods and I have another DataFrame for it:

start = pandas.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=5, freq='H')
stop = start + np.timedelta64(50, 'm')
df_runs = pandas.DataFrame({'start': start, 'stop': stop}, index=np.random.randint(0, 1000000, 5))
df_runs.index.name = 'run'

for example:

                     start                stop
721158 2011-01-01 00:00:00 2011-01-01 00:50:00
340902 2011-01-01 01:00:00 2011-01-01 01:50:00
211578 2011-01-01 02:00:00 2011-01-01 02:50:00
120232 2011-01-01 03:00:00 2011-01-01 03:50:00
122199 2011-01-01 04:00:00 2011-01-01 04:50:00

Now I want to merge the two tables, obtaining:

                 time     value   run
0 2011-01-01 21:56:00  0.115025   NaN
1 2011-01-01 04:40:00  0.678882   122199  
2 2011-01-01 02:18:00  0.507168   211578 
3 2011-01-01 22:40:00  0.938408   NaN

time periods (runs) have a start and a stop and stop >= start. Different runs never overlap. (Even if in my example it is not true) you can assume that runs are ordered (by run) and if run1 < run2 then start1 < start2 (or you can simply sort the table by start). You can also assume that df_meas is sorted by time.

How to do that? Is there something build in? What is the most efficient way?

like image 614
Ruggero Turra Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 09:10

Ruggero Turra

2 Answers

You can first reshape df_runs by stack - start and stop are in one column time. Then groupby by run, resample by minutes and ffill for filling NaN values. Last merge to df_meas:

Notice - this code works in last pandas version 0.18.1 see docs.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as datetime

#for testing
time = [datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, np.random.randint(0,23), np.random.randint(1, 59)) for _ in range(10)]
df_meas = pd.DataFrame({'time': time, 'value': np.random.random(10)})

start = pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=5, freq='H')
stop = start + np.timedelta64(50, 'm')
df_runs = pd.DataFrame({'start': start, 'stop': stop}, index=np.random.randint(0, 1000000, 5))
df_runs.index.name = 'run'

df = (df_runs.stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True).reset_index(name='time'))
print (df)
      run                time
0   99335 2011-01-01 00:00:00
1   99335 2011-01-01 00:50:00
2  823615 2011-01-01 01:00:00
3  823615 2011-01-01 01:50:00
4  117565 2011-01-01 02:00:00
5  117565 2011-01-01 02:50:00
6  790038 2011-01-01 03:00:00
7  790038 2011-01-01 03:50:00
8  369977 2011-01-01 04:00:00
9  369977 2011-01-01 04:50:00

df1 = (df.set_index('time')
         .reset_index(level=0, drop=True)

print (df1)
                   time     run
0   2011-01-01 00:00:00   99335
1   2011-01-01 00:01:00   99335
2   2011-01-01 00:02:00   99335
3   2011-01-01 00:03:00   99335
4   2011-01-01 00:04:00   99335
5   2011-01-01 00:05:00   99335
6   2011-01-01 00:06:00   99335
7   2011-01-01 00:07:00   99335
8   2011-01-01 00:08:00   99335
9   2011-01-01 00:09:00   99335
print (pd.merge(df_meas, df1, on='time', how='left'))
                 time     value       run
0 2011-01-01 05:44:00  0.524548       NaN
1 2011-01-01 12:09:00  0.443453       NaN
2 2011-01-01 09:12:00  0.229577       NaN
3 2011-01-01 05:16:00  0.534414       NaN
4 2011-01-01 00:17:00  0.913962   99335.0
5 2011-01-01 01:13:00  0.457205  823615.0
6 2011-01-01 07:46:00  0.430699       NaN
7 2011-01-01 06:26:00  0.939128       NaN
8 2011-01-01 18:21:00  0.778389       NaN
9 2011-01-01 05:19:00  0.715971       NaN

Solution of IanS is very nice, and I try improve it with pd.lreshape:

df_runs['run1'] = -1 
df_runs = df_runs.reset_index()

run_times = (pd.lreshape(df_runs, {'Run':['run', 'run1'], 
                                   'Time':['start', 'stop']})

print (run_times['Run'].asof(df_meas['time']))

2011-01-01 05:44:00        -1
2011-01-01 12:09:00        -1
2011-01-01 09:12:00        -1
2011-01-01 05:16:00        -1
2011-01-01 00:17:00     99335
2011-01-01 01:13:00    823615
2011-01-01 07:46:00        -1
2011-01-01 06:26:00        -1
2011-01-01 18:21:00        -1
2011-01-01 05:19:00        -1
Name: Run, dtype: int64
like image 96
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10


Edit: As suggested in a comment, there is no need to sort the times. Rather, use stack instead of unstack.

First step: transform the times dataframe

Since the start and end times are nicely ordered, I set them as index. I also add a column with the run id for starts, and NaN for stops. I do this in many lines (hopefully each one self-explanatory), but you could certainly condense the code:

run_times = df_runs.stack().to_frame(name='times')
run_times['actual_run'] = np.where(run_times['level_1'] == 'start', run_times['run'], np.nan)
run_times.drop(['level_1', 'run'], axis=1, inplace=True)
run_times.set_index('times', drop=True, inplace=True)


In[101] : run_times
2011-01-01 00:00:00      110343
2011-01-01 00:50:00         NaN
2011-01-01 01:00:00      839451
2011-01-01 01:50:00         NaN
2011-01-01 02:00:00      742879
2011-01-01 02:50:00         NaN
2011-01-01 03:00:00      275509
2011-01-01 03:50:00         NaN
2011-01-01 04:00:00      788777
2011-01-01 04:50:00         NaN

Second step: lookup the values

You can now look this up in the original dataframe with the asof method:

In[131] : run_times['actual_run'].fillna(-1).asof(df_meas['time'])
2011-01-01 21:56:00        -1
2011-01-01 04:40:00    122199
2011-01-01 02:18:00    211578
2011-01-01 22:40:00        -1
2011-01-01 12:53:00        -1

Note that I had to use -1 instead of NaN because asof returns the last valid value.

like image 40
IanS Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
