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Merge Sets of Sets that contain common elements in Scala

I want to implement a function in Scala, that, given a Set of Sets of Ints will merge any containing Set that contains one or more common elements.

So for example, given:

def mergeSets(sets: Set[Set[Int]]): Set[Set[Int]] = ???

val sets = Set(Set(1,2), Set(2,3), Set(3,7), Set(8,10))  
val mergedSets = mergeSets(sets)

mergedSets will contain Set(Set(1,2,3,7), Set(8,10))

What would be a nice, efficient and functional if possible, way to do this in Scala?

like image 834
spyk Avatar asked Sep 02 '14 04:09


People also ask

How do I combine sets in Scala?

Use the ++= method to merge a sequence into a mutable sequence. Use the ++ method to merge two mutable or immutable sequences. Use collection methods like union , diff , and intersect.

What does ++ mean in Scala?

++= can mean two different things in Scala: 1: Invoke the ++= method. In your example with flatMap , the ++= method of Builder takes another collection and adds its elements into the builder. Many of the other mutable collections in the Scala collections library define a similiar ++= method.

Is a set immutable in Scala?

There are two kinds of Sets, the immutable and the mutable. The difference between mutable and immutable objects is that when an object is immutable, the object itself can't be changed. By default, Scala uses the immutable Set.

Are sets indexed in Scala?

Set is not an ordered collection - you can't get element by index. You could use head method to get single element from Set (it's not the first element, just some element). Put another way: "How can I get element at position in Set ?" – There is no such thing as a "position" in a Set .

3 Answers

The most efficient way to do this will be using mutable structures, but you asked for a functional way, so here goes:

sets.foldLeft(Set.empty[Set[Int]])((cum, cur) => {
  val (hasCommon, rest) = cum.partition(_ & cur nonEmpty)
  rest + (cur ++ hasCommon.flatten)

(Not tested, wrote this using phone)

like image 125
samthebest Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11


A version that's largely in the spirit of samthebest's answer, but (by design) less deeply idiomatic. It may be more approachable for those new to functional programming. (It seems we should squeeze everything we can out of such a nice problem.)

def mergeSets(sets: Set[Set[Int]]): Set[Set[Int]] = {
  if (sets.isEmpty) {
  } else {
    val cur = sets.head
    val merged = mergeSets(sets.tail)
    val (hasCommon, rest) = merged.partition(_ & cur nonEmpty)
    rest + (cur ++ hasCommon.flatten)

However, the following alternative has the advantage of being tail recursive and perhaps also providing a smoother path to understanding samthebest's answer:

def mergeSets(cum: Set[Set[Int]], sets: Set[Set[Int]]): Set[Set[Int]] = {
  if (sets.isEmpty) {
  } else {
    val cur = sets.head
    val (hasCommon, rest) = cum.partition(_ & cur nonEmpty)
    mergeSets(rest + (cur ++ hasCommon.flatten), sets.tail)

def mergeSets(sets: Set[Set[Int]]): Set[Set[Int]] = 
  mergeSets(Set.empty[Set[Int]], sets)

I don't claim either of these as superior: just useful as learning tools.

like image 25
Spiro Michaylov Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Spiro Michaylov

Samthebest's terse solution is very satisfying in it's simplicity and elegance, but I am working with a a large number of sets and needed a more performant solution that is still immutable and written in good functional style.

For 10,000 sets with 10 elements each (randomly chosen ints from 0 to 750,000), samthebest's terse solution took an average of ~ 30sec on my computer, while my solution below took on average ~ 400ms.

(In case anyone was wondering, the resultant set for the above set cardinalities contains ~ 3600 sets, with an average of ~ 26 elements each)

If anyone can see any improvements I could make with respect to style or performance, please let me know!

Here's what I came up with:

val sets = Set(Set(1, 2), Set(2, 3), Set(4, 5))
Association.associate(sets) => Set(Set(1, 2, 3), Set(4, 5))

object Association {

  // Keep track of all current associations, as well as every element in any current association
  case class AssociationAcc[A](associations: Set[Set[A]] = Set.empty[Set[A]], all: Set[A] = Set.empty[A]) {
    def +(s: Set[A]) = AssociationAcc(associations + s, all | s)

  // Add the newSet to the set associated with key A
  // (or simply insert if there is no such key).
  def updateMap[A](map: Map[A, Set[A]], key: A, newSet: Set[A]) = {
    map + (key -> (map.getOrElse(key, Set.empty) ++ newSet))

  // Turn a Set[Set[A]] into a map where each A points to a set of every other A
  // it shared any set with.
  // e.g. sets = Set(Set(1, 2), Set(2, 3), Set(4, 5))
  //     yields: Map(1 -> Set(2), 2 -> Set(1, 3), 3 -> Set(2),
  //                 4 -> Set(5), 5 -> Set(4))
  def createAssociationMap[A](sets: Set[Set[A]]): Map[A, Set[A]] = {
    sets.foldLeft(Map.empty[A, Set[A]]) { case (associations, as) =>
      as.foldLeft(associations) { case (assoc, a) => updateMap(assoc, a, as - a) }

  // Given a map where each A points to a set of every A it is associated with,
  // and also given a key A starting point, return the total set of associated As.
  // e.g. with map = Map(1 -> Set(2), 2 -> Set(1, 3), 3 -> Set(2),
  //                     4 -> Set(5), 5 -> Set(4))
  // and key = 1 (or 2 or 3) yields: Set(1, 2, 3).
  // with key = 4 (or 5) yields: Set(4, 5)
  def getAssociations[A](map: Map[A, Set[A]], key: A, hit: Set[A] = Set.empty[A]): Set[A] = {
    val newAssociations = map(key) &~ hit
    newAssociations.foldLeft(newAssociations | hit + key) {
      case (all, a) => getAssociations(map, a, all)

  // Given a set of sets that may contain common elements, associate all sets that
  // contain common elements (i.e. take union) and return the set of associated sets.
  // e.g. Set(Set(1, 2), Set(2, 3), Set(4, 5)) yields: Set(Set(1, 2, 3), Set(4, 5))
  def associate[A](sets: Set[Set[A]]): Set[Set[A]] = {
    val associationMap = createAssociationMap(sets)
    associationMap.keySet.foldLeft(AssociationAcc[A]()) {
      case (acc, key) =>
        if (acc.all.contains(key)) acc
        else                       acc + getAssociations(associationMap, key)
like image 25
Eddie Carlson Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Eddie Carlson