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Merge - Only update if values have changed

I am running a merge in SQL Server. In my update, I want to only update the row if the values have changed. There is a version row that increments on each update. Below is an example:

MERGE Employee as tgt USING  (SELECT Employee_History.Emp_ID , Employee_History.First_Name , Employee_History.Last_Name FROM Employee_History) as src (Emp_ID,First_Name,Last_Name) ON tgt.Emp_ID = src.Emp_ID WHEN MATCHED THEN      UPDATE SET     Emp_ID = src.Emp_ID,     ,[VERSION] = tgt.VERSION + 1      ,First_Name = src.First_Name     ,Last_Name = src.Last_Name WHEN NOT MATCHED BY target THEN      INSERT (Emp_ID,0,First_Name,Last_Name) VALUES      (src.Emp_ID,[VERSION],src.First_Name,src.Last_Name); 

Now, if I only wanted to update the row, and thus increment version, ONLY if the name has changed.

like image 957
TrialAndError Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 14:04


People also ask

Can we use with clause in MERGE statement?

At most, we can specify only two WHEN MATCHED clauses in the MERGE statement. If two WHEN MATCHED clauses are specified, one clause must have an update operation and the other one must use delete operation.

Can we use CTE in MERGE statement?

Multiple CTE query definitions can be defined in a CTE. A CTE must be followed by a single SELECT statement. INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE , and MERGE statements aren't supported.

Is MERGE better than update?

The UPDATE statement will most likely be more efficient than a MERGE if the all you are doing is updating rows. Given the complex nature of the MERGE command's match condition, it can result in more overhead to process the source and target rows.

1 Answers

WHEN MATCHED can have AND . Also, no need to update EMP_ID .

...  WHEN MATCHED AND (trg.First_Name <> src.First_Name     OR trg.Last_Name <> src.Last_Name) THEN UPDATE    SET     [VERSION] = tgt.VERSION + 1      ,First_Name = src.First_Name     ,Last_Name = src.Last_Name  ... 

If Last_Name or First_Name are nullable, you need to take care of NULL values while comparing trg.Last_Name <> src.Last_Name , for instance ISNULL(trg.Last_Name,'') <> ISNULL(src.Last_Name,'')

like image 170
a1ex07 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
