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merge dataframes based on multiple columns and thresholds




I have two data.frames with multiple common columns (here: date, city, ctry, and (other_)number).

I would now like to merge them on the above columns but tolerate some level of difference:

threshold.numbers <- 3
threshold.date <- 5  # in days

If the difference between the date entries is > threshold.date (in days) or > threshold.numbers, I don't want the lines to be merged. Similarly, if the entry in city is a substring of the other df's entry in the city column, I want the lines to be merged. [If anyone has a better idea to test for actual city names' similarity, I'd be happy to hear about it.] (And keep the first df's entries of date, city and country but both (other_)number columns and all other columns in the df.

Consider the following example:

df1 <- data.frame(date = c("2003-08-29", "1999-06-12", "2000-08-29", "1999-02-24", "2001-04-17",
                           "1999-06-30", "1999-03-16", "1999-07-16", "2001-08-29", "2002-07-30"),
                  city = c("Berlin", "Paris", "London", "Rome", "Bern",
                           "Copenhagen", "Warsaw", "Moscow", "Tunis", "Vienna"),
                  ctry = c("Germany", "France", "UK", "Italy", "Switzerland",
                           "Denmark", "Poland", "Russia", "Tunisia", "Austria"),
                  number = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100),
                  col = c("apple", "banana", "pear", "banana", "lemon", "cucumber", "apple", "peach", "cherry", "cherry"))

df2 <- data.frame(date = c("2003-08-29", "1999-06-12", "2000-08-29", "1999-02-24", "2001-04-17", # all identical to df1
                           "1999-06-29", "1999-03-14", "1999-07-17", # all 1-2 days different
                           "2000-01-29", "2002-07-01"), # all very different (> 2 weeks)
                  city = c("Berlin", "East-Paris", "near London", "Rome", # same or slight differences
                           "Zurich", # completely different
                           "Copenhagen", "Warsaw", "Moscow", "Tunis", "Vienna"), # same
                  ctry = c("Germany", "France", "UK", "Italy", "Switzerland", # all the same 
                           "Denmark", "Poland", "Russia", "Tunisia", "Austria"),
                  other_number = c(13, 17, 3100, 45, 51, 61, 780, 85, 90, 101), # slightly different to very different
                  other_col = c("yellow", "green", "blue", "red", "purple", "orange", "blue", "red", "black", "beige"))

Now, I would like to merge the data.frames and receive a df where lines are merged if the above conditions are met.

(The first column is only for your convenience: behind the first digit, which indicates the original case, it shows whether the lines where merged (.) or whether the lines is from df1 (1) or df2 (2).

          date        city        ctry number other_col other_number    other_col2          #comment
 1.  2003-08-29      Berlin     Germany     10     apple              13        yellow      # matched on date, city, number
 2.  1999-06-12       Paris      France     20    banana              17         green      # matched on date, city similar, number - other_number == threshold.numbers
 31  2000-08-29      London          UK     30      pear            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: number - other_number > threshold.numbers
 32  2000-08-29 near London         UK    <NA>      <NA>            3100          blue      #
 41  1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     40    banana            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: number - other_number > threshold.numbers
 42  1999-02-24        Rome       Italy   <NA>      <NA>              45           red      #
 51  2001-04-17        Bern Switzerland     50     lemon            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: cities different (dates okay, numbers okay)
 52  2001-04-17      Zurich Switzerland   <NA>      <NA>              51        purple      #
 6.  1999-06-30  Copenhagen     Denmark     60  cucumber              61        orange      # matched: date difference < threshold.date (cities okay, dates okay)
 71  1999-03-16      Warsaw      Poland     70     apple            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: number - other_number > threshold.numbers (dates okay)
 72  1999-03-14      Warsaw      Poland   <NA>      <NA>             780          blue      # 
 81  1999-07-16      Moscow      Russia     80     peach            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: number - other_number > threshold.numbers (dates okay)
 82  1999-07-17      Moscow      Russia   <NA>      <NA>              85           red      #
 91  2001-08-29       Tunis     Tunisia     90    cherry            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: date difference < threshold.date (cities okay, dates okay)
 92  2000-01-29       Tunis     Tunisia   <NA>      <NA>              90         black      #
101  2002-07-30      Vienna     Austria    100    cherry            <NA>          <NA>      # not matched: date difference < threshold.date (cities okay, dates okay)
102  2002-07-01      Vienna     Austria   <NA>      <NA>             101         beige      #

I tried different implementations of merging them but cannot get the threshold implemented.

EDIT Apologies for unclear formulation - I would like to retain all rows and receive an indicator whether the row is matched, unmatched and from df1 or unmatched and from df2.

the pseudo-code is:

  if there is a case where abs("date_df2" - "date_df1") <= threshold.date:
    if "ctry_df2" == "ctry_df1":
      if "city_df2" ~ "city_df1":
        if abs("number_df2" - "number_df1") <= threshold.numbers:
          merge and go to next row in df2
    add row to df1```
like image 447
Ivo Avatar asked Nov 05 '19 16:11


People also ask

Can you merge DataFrames on multiple columns?

You can pass two DataFrame to be merged to the pandas. merge() method. This collects all common columns in both DataFrames and replaces each common column in both DataFrame with a single one.

How do I merge two DataFrames with different columns in pandas?

It is possible to join the different columns is using concat() method. DataFrame: It is dataframe name. axis: 0 refers to the row axis and1 refers the column axis. join: Type of join.

3 Answers

I first turned the city names into character vectors, since (if I understood correctly) you want to include city names that are contained within df2.


Then merge them by country:

df = merge(df1, df2, by = ("ctry"))

> df
          ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y      city.y other_number other_col
1      Austria 2002-07-30     Vienna    100   cherry 2002-07-01      Vienna          101     beige
2      Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29  Copenhagen           61    orange
3       France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12  East-Paris           17     green
4      Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29      Berlin           13    yellow
5        Italy 1999-02-24       Rome     40   banana 1999-02-24        Rome           45       red
6       Poland 1999-03-16     Warsaw     70    apple 1999-03-14      Warsaw          780      blue
7       Russia 1999-07-16     Moscow     80    peach 1999-07-17      Moscow           85       red
8  Switzerland 2001-04-17       Bern     50    lemon 2001-04-17      Zurich           51    purple
9      Tunisia 2001-08-29      Tunis     90   cherry 2000-01-29       Tunis           90     black
10          UK 2000-08-29     London     30     pear 2000-08-29 near London         3100      blue

The library stringr will allow you to see if city.x is within city.y here (see last column):

df$city_keep<-str_detect(df$city.y,df$city.x) # this returns logical vector if city.x is contained in city.y (works one way)
> df
          ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y      city.y other_number other_col city_keep
1      Austria 2002-07-30     Vienna    100   cherry 2002-07-01      Vienna          101     beige      TRUE
2      Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29  Copenhagen           61    orange      TRUE
3       France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12  East-Paris           17     green      TRUE
4      Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29      Berlin           13    yellow      TRUE
5        Italy 1999-02-24       Rome     40   banana 1999-02-24        Rome           45       red      TRUE
6       Poland 1999-03-16     Warsaw     70    apple 1999-03-14      Warsaw          780      blue      TRUE
7       Russia 1999-07-16     Moscow     80    peach 1999-07-17      Moscow           85       red      TRUE
8  Switzerland 2001-04-17       Bern     50    lemon 2001-04-17      Zurich           51    purple     FALSE
9      Tunisia 2001-08-29      Tunis     90   cherry 2000-01-29       Tunis           90     black      TRUE
10          UK 2000-08-29     London     30     pear 2000-08-29 near London         3100      blue      TRUE

Then you can get the difference in days between dates:

df$dayDiff<-abs(as.POSIXlt(df$date.x)$yday - as.POSIXlt(df$date.y)$yday)

and the difference in numbers:

df$numDiff<-abs(df$number - df$other_number)

Here was what the resulting dataframe looks like:

> df
          ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y      city.y other_number other_col city_keep dayDiff numDiff
1      Austria 2002-07-30     Vienna    100   cherry 2002-07-01      Vienna          101     beige      TRUE      29       1
2      Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29  Copenhagen           61    orange      TRUE       1       1
3       France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12  East-Paris           17     green      TRUE       0       3
4      Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29      Berlin           13    yellow      TRUE       0       3
5        Italy 1999-02-24       Rome     40   banana 1999-02-24        Rome           45       red      TRUE       0       5
6       Poland 1999-03-16     Warsaw     70    apple 1999-03-14      Warsaw          780      blue      TRUE       2     710
7       Russia 1999-07-16     Moscow     80    peach 1999-07-17      Moscow           85       red      TRUE       1       5
8  Switzerland 2001-04-17       Bern     50    lemon 2001-04-17      Zurich           51    purple     FALSE       0       1
9      Tunisia 2001-08-29      Tunis     90   cherry 2000-01-29       Tunis           90     black      TRUE     212       0
10          UK 2000-08-29     London     30     pear 2000-08-29 near London         3100      blue      TRUE       0    3070

But we want to drop things where city.x was not found within city.y, where the day difference is greater than 5 or the number difference is greater than 3:

df<-df[df$dayDiff<=5 & df$numDiff<=3 & df$city_keep==TRUE,]

> df
     ctry     date.x     city.x number      col     date.y     city.y other_number other_col city_keep dayDiff numDiff
2 Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber 1999-06-29 Copenhagen           61    orange      TRUE       1       1
3  France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana 1999-06-12 East-Paris           17     green      TRUE       0       3
4 Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple 2003-08-29     Berlin           13    yellow      TRUE       0       3

What is left are the three rows that you had above (which contained dots in column 1).

Now we can drop the three columns we created, and the date and city from df2:

> df<-subset(df, select=-c(city.y, date.y, city_keep, dayDiff, numDiff))
> df
     ctry     date.x     city.x number      col other_number other_col
2 Denmark 1999-06-30 Copenhagen     60 cucumber           61    orange
3  France 1999-06-12      Paris     20   banana           17     green
4 Germany 2003-08-29     Berlin     10    apple           13    yellow
like image 142
Dylan_Gomes Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09


Step 1: Merge the data based on "city" and "ctry":

df = merge(df1, df2, by = c("city", "ctry"))

Step 2: Remove rows if the difference between the date entries is > threshold.date (in days):

date_diff = abs(as.numeric(difftime(strptime(df$date.x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                    strptime(df$date.y, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), units="days")))
index_remove = date_diff > threshold.date
df = df[-index_remove,]

Step 3: Remove rows if the difference between the numbers is > threshhold.number:

number_diff = abs(df$number - df$other_number) 
index_remove = number_diff > threshold.numbers
df = df[-index_remove,]

The data should be merged before applying conditions, in case the rows are not matching.

like image 35
Elder Druid Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Elder Druid

An option using data.table (explanations inline):


#dupe columns and create ranges for non-equi joins
df1[, c("n", "ln", "un", "d", "ld", "ud") := .(
    number, number - threshold.numbers, number + threshold.numbers,
    date, date - threshold.date, date + threshold.date)]
df2[, c("n", "ln", "un", "d", "ld", "ud") := .(
    other_number, other_number - threshold.numbers, other_number + threshold.numbers,
    date, date - threshold.date, date + threshold.date)]

#perform non-equi join using ctry, num, dates in both ways
res <- rbindlist(list(
    df1[df2, on=.(ctry, n>=ln, n<=un, d>=ld, d<=ud),
        .(date1=x.date, date2=i.date, city1=x.city, city2=i.city, ctry1=x.ctry, ctry2=i.ctry, number, col, other_number, other_col)],
    df2[df1, on=.(ctry, n>=ln, n<=un, d>=ld, d<=ud),
        .(date1=i.date, date2=x.date, city1=i.city, city2=x.city, ctry1=i.ctry, ctry2=x.ctry, number, col, other_number, other_col)]),
    use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)

#determine if cities are substrings of one and another
res[, city_match := {
    i <- mapply(grepl, city1, city2) | mapply(grepl, city2, city1)
    replace(i, is.na(i), TRUE)

#just like SQL coalesce (there is a version in dev in rdatatable github)
coalesce <- function(...) Reduce(function(x, y) fifelse(!is.na(y), y, x), list(...))

#for rows that are matching or no matches to be found
ans1 <- unique(res[(city_match), .(date=coalesce(date1, date2),
    city=coalesce(city1, city2),
    ctry=coalesce(ctry1, ctry2),
    number, col, other_number, other_col)])

#for rows that are close in terms of dates and numbers but are diff cities
ans2 <- res[(!city_match), .(date=c(.BY$date1, .BY$date2),
        city=c(.BY$city1, .BY$city2),
        ctry=c(.BY$ctry1, .BY$ctry2),
        number=c(.BY$number, NA),
        col=c(.BY$col, NA),
        other_number=c(NA, .BY$other_number),
        other_col=c(NA, .BY$other_col)),
    names(res)][, seq_along(names(res)) := NULL]

#final desired output
setorder(rbindlist(list(ans1, ans2)), date, city, number, na.last=TRUE)[]


          date        city        ctry number      col other_number other_col
 1: 1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     40   banana           NA      <NA>
 2: 1999-02-24        Rome       Italy     NA     <NA>           45       red
 3: 1999-03-14      Warsaw      Poland     NA     <NA>          780      blue
 4: 1999-03-16      Warsaw      Poland     70    apple           NA      <NA>
 5: 1999-06-12  East-Paris      France     20   banana           17     green
 6: 1999-06-29  Copenhagen     Denmark     60 cucumber           61    orange
 7: 1999-07-16      Moscow      Russia     80    peach           NA      <NA>
 8: 1999-07-17      Moscow      Russia     NA     <NA>           85       red
 9: 2000-01-29       Tunis     Tunisia     NA     <NA>           90     black
10: 2000-08-29      London          UK     30     pear           NA      <NA>
11: 2000-08-29 near London          UK     NA     <NA>         3100      blue
12: 2001-04-17        Bern Switzerland     50    lemon           NA      <NA>
13: 2001-04-17      Zurich Switzerland     NA     <NA>           51    purple
14: 2001-08-29       Tunis     Tunisia     90   cherry           NA      <NA>
15: 2002-07-01      Vienna     Austria     NA     <NA>          101     beige
16: 2002-07-30      Vienna     Austria    100   cherry           NA      <NA>
17: 2003-08-29      Berlin     Germany     10    apple           13    yellow
like image 34
chinsoon12 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
