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Merge commits don't appear in git rebase --interactive

People also ask

Why merge commit is not showing in rebase?

FYI, rebase doesn't normally preserve merge commits, you need to pass the -p or --preserve-merges flag for that...but there's probably an easier way to do what you want to do.

Does git rebase include merge commits?

With this option, the rebase command successfully includes all merge commits. Following screenshot shows the interactive rebase screen with --rebase-merges option: The rebase operation itself combines resets, labels, merges to preserve the same structure.

Does rebase ignore merge commits?

By default, a rebase will simply drop merge commits from the todo list, and put the rebased commits into a single, linear branch. With --rebase-merges, the rebase will instead try to preserve the branching structure within the commits that are to be rebased, by recreating the merge commits.

Rebase doesn't normally preserve merge commits without --preserve-merges

Ok, so I'm not exactly sure what would happen if you tried to squash a merge commit using an interactive rebase with --preserve-merges...but this is how I would remove the merge commit in your case and make your history linear:

  1. Rebase everything before the merge commit on top of the remote branch.

  2. Cherry-pick or rebase everything after the merge commit on top of the previously rebased commits.

If you only have 1 commit after the merge commit

So in terms of commands, that would look something like this:

# Reset to commit before merge commit
git reset --hard <merge>^

# Rebase onto the remote branch
git rebase <remote>/<branch>

# Cherry-pick the last commit
git cherry-pick 1abcd 

If you have more than 1 commit after the merge commit

# Leave a temporary branch at your current commit
git branch temp

# Reset to commit before merge commit
git reset --hard <merge>^

# Rebase onto the remote branch
git rebase <remote>/<branch>

# Cherry-pick the last commits using a commit range.
# The start of the range is exclusive (not included)
git cherry-pick <merge>..temp

# Alternatively to the cherry-pick above, you can instead rebase everything
# from the merge commit to the tip of the temp branch onto the other
# newly rebased commits.
# You can also use --preserve-merges to preserve merge commits following
# the first merge commit that you want to get rid of...but if there were
# any conflicts in those merge commits, you'll need to re-resolve them again.
git rebase --preserve-merges --onto <currentBranch> <merge> temp

# These next steps are only necessary if you did the rebase above,
# instead of using the cherry-pick range.
# Fast-forward your previous branch and delete temp
git checkout <previousBranch>
git merge temp
git branch -d temp


  • Official Linux Kernel git-cherry-pick(1) Manual Page

  • Official Linux Kernel git-rebase(1) Manual Page

Git offers a new way using --rebase-merges :

Before --rebase-merges I get 6 conflicts with my specific case.

git rebase -i --rebase-merges origin/master

And you may see something like :

label onto

reset 4127388 # Formatting
pick 87da5b5 feat: add something
pick 8fcdff4 feat: add ..
merge -C 80784fe onto # Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into a-branch-name
pick 3d9fec7 add unit tests