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menu hover over not working on windows 8 phone and windows surface

On my web site, I have css that allows me to hover over a main menu item (like in my case "About" and have the submenu (list items) appear. It works on iphone,android,chrome,safari,IE windows 8.1 but not on windows 8 phone and windows surface. The CSS that gets hit I believe is this:

#header .menuUserBar .menuWrap > ul > li:hover ul {
  display: block;
  visibility: visible;

You can see it live at the site http://www.siliconvalley-codecamp.com/

If there is some special attribute I need to make it recognize those problem browsers, please let me know that. Obviously, I'm not a css wizard, not even sure if I have risen to newby status yet.

like image 909
Peter Kellner Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 19:03

Peter Kellner

1 Answers

found answer:

 <a href="#" aria-haspopup="true"  ><span class="imgWrap"></span>


like image 187
Peter Kellner Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 16:04

Peter Kellner