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MemoryError when creating a very large numpy array [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a very large numpy array of zeros and then copy values from another array into the large array of zeros. I am using Pycharm and I keep getting: MemoryError even when I try and only create the array. Here is how I've tried to create the array of zeros:

import numpy as np

last_array = np.zeros((211148,211148))

I've tried increasing the memory heap in Pycharm from 750m to 1024m as per this question: https://superuser.com/questions/919204/how-can-i-increase-the-memory-heap-in-pycharm, but that doesn't seem to help.

Let me know if you'd like any further clarification. Thanks!

like image 897
Andrew Earl Avatar asked May 13 '16 15:05

Andrew Earl

1 Answers

Look into using the sparse array capabilities within scipy:
scipy.sparse documentation.

There are a set of examples and tutorials on the scipy.sparse library here:
Scipy lecture notes: Sparse Matrices in SciPy

This may help you solve your memory issues, as well as make everything run faster.

To create an empty sparse array with values in certain positions as you asked in your comment:

Is there any way to create an empty array with values in certain positions, such as: last_array[211147][9] but everywhere else would be empty?

from scipy.sparse import *
values = [42]
row_ind = [211147]
col_ind = [9] 
last_array = csc_matrix((values, (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=(211148,211148))

like image 98
amicitas Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11
