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Memory usage blows up when iterating over array

I'm working on a Jacobi solver for the Poisson equation using Julia. The solver is called iteratively until err is sufficiently small (~1e-8), which takes around 25,000 loops through the function for my nx = ny = 80 test case. Profiling shows that most of the time is spent in the inner loop (as expected), but memory allocation seems to be running away--the @time macro gives 38 gigabytes allocated in order to reach convergence, which seems way too much since I don't think I'm creating new arrays for each loop.

function jacobi(P::Array{Float64,2}, maxiter::Int64)
    P_old = copy(P)
    for j = 2:ny-1
        # Main body loop
        for i = 2:nx-1 
             @inbounds P[i,j] = ((P_old[i+1,j] + P_old[i-1,j])*dx2 
                               + (P_old[i,j+1] + P_old[i,j-1])*dy2)/denom-Rmod[i,j]
    err = vecnorm(P::Array{Float64,2}-P_old::Array{Float64,2})/sqrt(nx+ny)
    return (P, err)

I've timed the function for 1000 loops, calling from a function wrapper (methodwrap) that sets initial conditions:

function methodwrap(solver, maxiter::Int64) # (solver fn name, max # of iterations)
    P = copy(P0)
    iter = 1
    err  = 1.0
    maxerr = 1e-8
    prog = Progress(maxiter,.2, "Solving using $solver method", 10) # Show progress bar
    while (err > maxerr) && (iter < maxiter)
        P, err = solver(P, maxiter)
        next!(prog) # Iterates progress bar counter
        iter += 1
    return (P, iter, err)

Contrary to my wishes, it looks like memory allocation scales with the number of loops, so I'm doing something wrong. It looks as if approximately 1.4 mb is allocated with each Jacobi pass:

julia> @time methodwrap(jacobi,1000)
Solving using jacobi method 98%|##########|  ETA: 0:00:00
elapsed time: 4.001988593 seconds (1386549012 bytes allocated, 26.45% gc time)

I've tried reducing the inner loop arrays to vector subarrays and using @simd:

function jacobi2(P::Array{Float64,2}, maxiter::Int64)
    P_old = copy(P)::Array{Float64,2}
    for j = 2:ny-1
        # Main body loop
        Pojm = sub(P_old,:,j-1)
        Poj = sub(P_old,:,j)
        Pojp = sub(P_old,:,j+1)
        Pj = sub(P,:,j)
        Rmodj = sub(Rmod,:,j)
        @simd for i = 2:nx-1 
             @inbounds Pj[i] = ((Poj[i+1] + Poj[i-1])*dx2
                              + (Pojp[i] + Pojm[i])*dy2)/denom-Rmodj[i]
    err = vecnorm(P::Array{Float64,2}-P_old::Array{Float64,2})/sqrt(nx+ny)
    return (P, err)

However, this only seems to increase memory allocation and decrease speed, and I get a @simd warning:

julia> @time methodwrap(jacobi2,1000);
Warning: could not attach metadata for @simd loop.
Solving using jacobi2 method: 100%|##########|  ETA: 0:00:00
elapsed time: 4.947097666 seconds (1455818184 bytes allocated, 29.85% gc time)

This is my first project in Julia, so I'm probably making a really obvious mistake, but I haven't found a solution yet. I've defined global vars as constants. I've gone through the performance tips several times, I've linted the file, I've used TypeCheck to make sure my types are consistent, and everything looks fairly kosher to my eyes. What am I doing wrong? I've posted my full code on Gist if you'd like to check that as well.

like image 809
Alex Ames Avatar asked Sep 27 '14 23:09

Alex Ames

1 Answers

It turns out the problem was subtle. I made 3 changes (see below). I did use as @IainDunning suggested --track-allocation=user which pointed to the questionable line. Both of these problems come from using global variables.

After these changes

julia> @time methodwrap(jacobi,1000)
elapsed time: 0.481986712 seconds (116650236 bytes allocated)

change 1 add const to nx and ny

You had const everywhere except for these 2 variables but when left non const and global that cause the loop iterator i to allocate unnecessarily.

nx=80 # Number of mesh points in the x-direction
ny=80 # Number of mesh points in the y-direction

was changed to

const nx=80 # Number of mesh points in the x-direction
const ny=80 # Number of mesh points in the y-direction

change 2: avoid Rmod of type Array{Any,2}

const Rmod = dx2*dy2*R/(2*(dx2+dy2))

was changed to

const Rmod = convert(Array{Float64,2},dx2*dy2*R/(2*(dx2+dy2)))
like image 124
waTeim Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10
